Sunday, October 13, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the man school edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Are we sure that Billy's a Reverend?

He certainly doesn't act like one.  Nobody's opinion about Paul's funeral seems to matter except his. He's not keen on Bernie's post-funeral rave (to celebrate Paul's life) but grudgingly accepts it. His grief seems to take precedence over the pain and anguish of everyone else - including Summer who's caught between the wishes of Bernie and Billy.
Meanwhile Bernie is going full tilt on preparations for a rave on the Street. Gemma, Todd and Ches are pulled into the frenetic activity (whether they want to be or not). We can only wait to see how the funeral + rave will work out.
But there's more pressing news afoot.
Over in Turkey, Bethany was supposed to be doing some PR work for a spa/beauty clinic and apparently opted for a liposuction treatment which went horribly wrong. As a result, Daniel gets a call from a Turkish hospital letting him know that Bethany is intensive care with sepsis.
Daniel immediately takes a flight to Turkey but Sarah can't join him (her passport has expired). When Sarah finally joins Daniel at the hospital, she tells Daniel to get lost because she learns he was having a heart-to-heart with Daisy and ignored a number of calls from Bethany.
Bethany finally regains consciousness and is comforted by her Mum but she is horrified to learn that she will need a stoma (permanently) as a result of her botched surgery.  And there's more bad news as they learn that Bethany's health insurance won't cover her hospital bills which continue to increase with every day she's in intensive care. 
Back in Weatherfield, Daniel is angered to learn that David knew Bethany was thinking of having liposuction but did nothing to stop her because David didn't think she was serious.
Speaking of Daniel, it seems that Daisy is still in love with him and she admits as much to him (while he ignores calls from Turkey). Ryan seems to have cottoned on to this reality as he breaks up with Daisy.
More pressing news on the Joel front.
Now that D.S. Swain has finally managed to collect enough evidence to have Joel charged, he goes AWOL and misses his court appearance to enter a plea. This follows a knucklehead move by Ronnie and Ed who decide to take matters into their own hands and end up roughing up Joel. That backfires (as you might expect).  
It's not clear what exactly Joel is up to but he finally shows up (drunk) at the caf and corners Roy (who really should have a panic button in his caf given the number of times he's been threatened/roughed up/intimidated) on his premises).
Betsy and Dylan finally admit that it wasn't Mason who stole the purse from a Speed Dal customer but rather Betsy who framed him. Mason is thus back on the Street (much to the dismay of Gary and Sean) and Stu gives Mason his job back.

Over at the home of Ty and Fiz, the vape 'cat' is finally out of the bag and Hope's vaping habit is  discovered. Ty and Fiz are suitably horrified and take steps to end Hope's vaping habit but it seems that it won't be easy.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sarah to Daniel:
"You're all ego"
(you say that like it's a negative thing)
Debbie to Ronnie (re: his I'll advised roughing up of Joel):
"Did they not teach you about this in man school?"
(I guess he missed that day)
Ryan to Daisy:
"I just think you love Daniel more"

Sean to Daniel re: Daisy & Ryan:
"Splitsville Arizona. Population:Them"
(very poetic)

Carla wonders why Roy is in such a good mood:
"Did they discover a new species of bat or something?"
(a soprano pipistrelle 2.0?)

Daisy talks about her and Ryan's travel dreams:
"A gondola in Venice. A camel in Egypt"
(or a camel in Venice and a gondola in Egypt... she's not fussy)

Well, fellow Street savants, so ends another week. I do hope there's better news for Bethany next week but hopefully there will also be some brighter storylines in the future (one can only hope). Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the third nipple edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
Could the dragnet be closing in on the slimeball (aka Joel)?
At long last, it seems that Dee Dee and D.S. Swain have latched on to some evidence which might lead to Joel's downfall. They manage to trace the delivery of the labour-inducing drug that Joel ordered to kill Lauren's baby. 
Then Dee Dee (wearing a very revealing outfit) puts the screws to Joel's old employer and comes up with a list of witnesses who can testify as to Joel's nefarious activities. And, Swain manages to track down one of Joel's victims (Ellie). Ellie at first refuses to make a statement but is shocked when she sees Lauren's baby in the hospital.
Meanwhile, Betsy finally admits to her Mum (D.S. Swain) that Joel conned her into helping him acquire the labour-inducing drug. Armed with all this new information, Swain arrests Joel.
While all this is going on, Lauren's baby takes a turn for the worse and, on top of that, she gets a visit from social services informing her that baby Frankie will be in foster care (at least for a while) once he leaves hospital.
Over at Ty's place, Alina and Dorin are set to return to Romania except that Ty has taken Alina's passport. When Fiz finds out, she returns the passport and pretends she found it. But, later on, Alina discovers the truth and bars Ty from seeing Dorin.
Debbie offers Bethany a job doing puff pieces for a spa in Turkey. Bethany is not keen but since she doesn't have any other prospects she accepts the gig. Meanwhile, over at the Rovers, Ryan is getting the feeling that Daisy still has feelings for Daniel.

Cassie and Ken are getting ready for an all expenses paid (well, for Cassie, anyway) holiday. At the same time, Tracy has decided to return to Tommy O. in Spain.
And the argy bargy continues over Paul's funeral as Billy is adamant about having a traditional Christian ceremony while Bernie wants something more fun... involving a Subaru.  And finally, Cassie discovers that Hope has been vaping.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Tracy wants to help Amy prepare for her date with Aadi:
"Do you want to borrow my leather trousers?"
(only if she's joining Duran Duran)

Steve to Cassie:
"You're taking advantage of an old man to get a free holiday"
(that pretty well sums it up)

Debbie to Bethany re: her trip to Turkey to write PR articles about a spa:
"I wouldn't mind and a few of those treatments myself"
(mud bath ahoy)

Dee Dee to Joel:
"I'm learning to play the banjo"
(while Joel goes down)
Billy to Summer re: Billy's funeral
"Maybe I'm handling this all wrong"
(ya' think?)

Bernie cities proof that someone in the past was a witch:
"She had a third nipple"
(a trifecta!)

Carla to Betsy re: Joel:
"That man is a menace to women"
(no kidding)


Well, fellow Street Sleuths, so ends another week as Swain and Dee Dee try to bring Joel to justice. Maybe this time the charges will stick. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the blue thong is not sexy edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Exit Paul.

We knew it was going to happen eventually but when the time finally came for Paul to end his days, it was no less heartbreaking. 

Unfortunately Paul's condition took a turn for the worse while Bernie, Summer and Kit were taking care of him. Billy? He was off looking for his phone which he lost while getting bladdered with David and Todd the night before.

As Paul was rushed to the hospital, Bernie frantically tried to contact Billy. She finally reached him and Billy rushed over to the hospital (impeded by snarled traffic). As Bernie and Summer were saying their tearful goodbyes to Paul at his hospital bedside, Bernie reached Billy by phone and put the phone near Paul so Billy could say his final goodbyes. 

Afterwards, Billy is racked with guilt at not being there for Paul's final minutes while Bernie and Summer assure him that Paul heard Billy's final words via cell phone (even though that wasn't the case).

Elsewhere Leanne confronts Nick about his infidelity (with her sister). Leanne does it in style - in front of the assembled Platts in the Bistro celebrating Max's birthday.

Leanne decides that she wants Nick to sling his hook while Toyah can remain in the flat. To make matters worse for Nick, Toyah dumps him as she says she loves her sister more than him. 

And then there's poor Sam. He has to deal with all the shouting, frostiness and upheaval. As if he hasn't had enough trauma in his life, he now has to deal with the fact that his Dad slept with Leanne's sister.

As for Leanne, she also feels betrayed by Rowan who was making surreptitious recordings of her and Amy to be used as leverage (i.e. blackmail). Rowan tries to sweet talk Leanne into returning the incriminating files (that she copied from his computer) but Leanne doesn't fall for his bafflegab and calls the police. Leanne really hopes she can get Amy's money back. We'll see...

Speaking of Amy, Ken would love to help her financially but Cassie talks him into holding off and instead suggests that Ken take a nice vacation (with her as a companion caregiver).

Carla has no choice but to confess that she intentionally assaulted a teen thug (who was harassing Roy) by slamming her car door into the thug's bike. Betsy (who saw the incident) told her Mum (D.S. Swain) and so Carla owns up to the crime. Meanwhile Betsy believes that her Mum is embarking on a relationship with Carla (which is not the case... at least so far).

Speaking of Swain, she seems to have found some incriminating evidence on Joel (thanks to a forensic investigation of one of Joel's old cellphones). Swain subsequently enlists Craig's help to track down the address of one of Joel's victims. Of course, all this is being done secretly as Swain's superior has told her to drop the investigation into Joel.

Over at Ty and Fiz's place, everyone is sad because Alina is planning to return to Romania with Dorin. Seems the family has grown attached to the young fella and Ty really wants Alina to stay in Weatherfield. Fiz is not so keen.

Thankfully, young Jack receives a light, non-custodial sentence for setting a fire which damaged  Stefan's car and office. Kev and Abi decide to accept a monetary gift from Stefan's wife (Coral) to pay the fine levied on Jack. One wonders if there might be a hidden agenda behind Coral's generosity.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Tracy to Amy re: Amy's possible romantic link with Aadi:
"You could do a lot worse"
(they make a nice couple)

Rowan to Leanne:
"I'm a victim in all this too"
(sure, and chickens have lips)

D.S. Swain to Carla re: Betsy's accusation:
"She seems to think the we're having some kind of secret affair"
(tell me more...)

Rowan to Leanne:
"You really are a gullible fool, Leanne"
(get ready for a surprise download, Rowan)

Bernie's farewell to Paul:
"Time to reach for the stars"
(adieu Paul)

Leanne makes an announcement to the Platt's:
"Nick's been sleeping with my sister"
(oh, and Happy Birthday to Max)

Gail opines on her family:
"What have I done to deserve such immoral children?"
(just lucky, I guess)

Summer reads Paul's list to Billy:
"Throw out that blue thong, it's not sexy"
(try getting that image out of your head!)

Another gem from Paul's list to Billy:
"Eat more fibre. You know why"
(The tight pants aren't helping either)
Leanne to Shona re: Nick:
"Maybe he should have thought about that before he dropped his y fronts"
(at least it wasn't a blue thong)

Brian to Rita during her performance review:
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years time"
(don't ask)

 Sam to Nick and Leanne:
"The atmosphere in here is frosty"
(that's like saying the North Pole is a bit chilly)

Well, fellow Street Savants, so ends another week. A sad but inevitable ending for Paul and a lot of regrets from Billy who seems to be focusing on himself rather than on the passing of his beloved husband. Perhaps we will see a bit more joy and humour in future story lines. We could certainly use a little levity. Thanks so much for sharing your time here at the Hip. It's lovely to have your company and do have a great week.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the waste of oxygen edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


Oh Boy! You know things are bad on Coronation Street when the only bright spot (for a short while) was a few scenes with Paul.

Elsewhere, it's gloom and doom all round.

A distraught Beth turns down a marriage proposal from Kirk and then leaves Kirkie and Weatherfield under duress from crooked copper Kit. Kit wants her gone or else he'll tell the police about Craig's unlawful actions to help former girlfriend Faye. It's a sad moment (with an Emmy-worthy performance by Peanut) during Beth's parting.

More bad news.

Efforts by Tracy and Amy to get her money back from Altovalent fall flat as devious Rowan refuses to return her 40K pounds and enlists Leanne to blackmail Amy (using recorded confessions from her malware session) to prevent her from publicly trashing Altovalent.

Leanne is starting to have doubts about her loyalty to Altovalent as she wants Rowan to give Amy her money back but is thwarted by Rowan's bafflegab. As Leanne searches Rowan's laptop, she discovers files about her and Amy which include damaging (and unauthorized) recordings of their malware sessions (no doubt kept by Rowan for blackmail and extortion purposes). Leanne deletes the insidious files but comes across a folder with a photo of Nick and Toyah in a lip lock. Oh my!

Even more bad news.

D.S. Swain's boss tells Swain to drop the investigation into King Rat Joel. Apparently, there is insufficient evidence to convict him and Joel is left free to roam around the hospital, scare Lauren, hang around Dee Dee's office/flat, and generally cause mayhem as he seeks custody of Lauren's baby and vows revenge on Dee Dee. 

Joel's campaign of vengeance seems to be going quite well as he tells police about Ed's insider trading and gets Dee Dee temporarily removed from her job because Joel's allegations are hurting Adam's law firm. Dee Dee may have found some useful intel on Joel from a former employer but she needs Swain's help to pursue her lead.

If Swain didn't have enough to deal with, her wayward daughter, Betsy, continues to cause trouble by planting a stolen purse in Mason's jacket and getting him fired from his job at Speed Dal. Mason, as you might imagine, is not amused. Neither is Stu who has yet to discover the truth.

Yet more bad news...

Kev and Abi are nervous as they await sentencing for young Jack after he foolishly firebombed Stefan's car. Abi gets a surprise visit from Stefan's wife (Coral) who apologies for her husband and her son.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Leanne assures Nick that Altovalent will try to refund Amy's money:
"Rowan's a man of his word"
(and that word is 'slimy')

Stefan to Kev, Abi and Jack:
"You're just a waste of oxygen"
(as opposed to Stefan who's a source of hot air)

Coral to Abi:
"Stefan was always mean, violent and manipulative"
(and those are his good points)

Abi to Coral:
"Have an uneventful life"
(too late)

Rowan to Leanne:
"One's health is one's wealth"
(Altovalent is certainly wealthy)

Rowan to Leanne:
"We're simply giving Amy a reality check"
(she'd prefer an actual cheque - for 40K)

Toyah to Nick re: Leanne's loyalty to Altovalent:
"If it thinks like a bot and acts like a bot"
(...and doesn't check the box that says: "I'm not a bot"

Amy to Leanne re: Rowan:
"One day he's going to come gunning for you"

Well, Corrie Compadres, so ends another week. Beth has left and Peanut (and Kirk) are sad. Kit continues his many deceptions. Joel continues his reign of terror and revenge. Altovalent continues to blackmail and intimidate all critics. What else can go wrong? I guess we'll find out. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the flighty piece edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Malware session? 

I thought that would be a nice seminar on how to use Norton, McAfee or Windows Defender to get rid of nasty computer viruses.

It seems that an Altovalent malware session consists of wearing a blindfold and standing in the middle of a circle of vicious strangers who hurl abuse at you.

Let's just say it's not for everyone. It's certainly not for Amy. Yes, Amy did enjoy her first Altovalent experiences with Leanne and Rowan - so much so that she convinced Ken to okay her "investment" of 40K pounds (from her trust fund) in a new Altovalent Resource Centre. However, after a disastrous malware session, she doesn't want to be involved in Altovalent and wants her money back.

Steve (who was not aware of Amy's investment) is livid and insists that Leanne refund Amy's money. However, it seems there's a complication and one suspects that getting the money back will not be that simple.

Elsewhere, Toyah and Nick are continuing their surreptitious romance behind Leanne's back as Leanne and Sam take a trip to visit Simon and Peter somewhere on the high seas.

Meanwhile Beth is in big trouble. 
It started when Kirk decided that he needed space because of all her lying. Then Beth crossed swords with Kit, the crooked copper. Beth captures some incriminating video of Kit getting a payoff from the knock-off t-shirt vendor. Advantage Beth... but not for long. Kit has a drinking session with Craig and gets Criaigie to admit his past illegal misdeeds in protecting Faye (after her car struck an old fella who subsequently passed away).

So Kit now has some incriminating information to counter Beth's video footage. However, that's not sufficient for Kit and he tells Beth to get out of town or he will get Craig fired for past misdeeds.

While Ryan seems to enjoy chumming around with Kit, Daisy doesn't like him - although Kit is trying to ingratiate himself with Daisy.

Betsy seems adept at causing trouble and manages to distract Mason from his new job at Speed Dal. With encouragement from Yasmeen, Mason breaks up with Betsy and Betsy is cheesed off. Meanwhile, Dylan plans to move back to London to get away from Mason. Sean is heartbroken at the prospect.

Joel makes an effort to "explain" his misdeeds to Dee Dee but Dee Dee is having none of it. In fact, Dee Dee is determined to make sure Joel pays for his lies and crimes. Her first move to get Joel's ex-wife to forbid Joel from seeing his daughter.  Joel is not pleased.

Unfortunately, Dee Dee's efforts to bring Joel to justice have been diverting her from her day job and Adam is not pleased by the fact that she has been neglecting her work.

Over at Ty and Fiz's, the family is taking care of Dorin since Alina is worried about her son's safety. Her fears appear justified as she is terrorized in her hotel room by a trafficking gang lackey but is saved by the timely intervention of Ronnie who just happens to be passing Alina's hotel room.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Ken to Amy re: the Altovalent investment:
"It all seems a bit vague"
(and destined to stay that way)

Amy to Ken:
"I need to get ready for my malware session"
(I suggest earplugs and a large mallet)

Tracy explains her return from Spain to Beth:
"I never thought I'd get sick of Sangria"
(or pine for a hotpot?)

Steve's assessment of the Altovalent Resource Centre:
"It sounds bonkers"
(It is bonkers)

Evelyn tells Ty what Fiz is afraid of:
"She thinks you might be dumping her again for that flighty piece"
(aka Alina)

Evelyn re:Ty's plan to stay in touch with Dorin:
"How are you going to finance all those trips to Transylvania?"
(remember to take lots of garlic in your carry-on)

Joel to Dee Dee re: the accusations against him:
"It's my word against that little tart"
(that's not helping his reconciliation efforts)

Toyah to Nick:
"As soon as Leanne gets back, this stops"
(...but maybe we can squeeze in a few legovers after she gets back)

Daisy to Daniel re: Ryan and Kit:
"Ryan's becoming his man wife"
(That would make Kit the man husband?)
Well, fellow Corrie cohorts, so ends another week. Joel is still on the loose causing mayhem. Rowan is popping up on the Street more often than a gopher on steroids and Amy has lost 40,000 pounds. Let's hope for better news next week. Thanks for the pleasure of your company and have a great week.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Little Nicky edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

I can't wait till Amy takes her Mum to an Altovalent seminar to meet Rowan so that Tracy can 'download' a whole boatload of insults on the smug charlatan.
Yes, Tracy is back from Spain under mysterious circumstances and runs right into Ken's caregiver, Cassie. Steve is caught in the middle of the squabbling twosome and he's also wondering what has happened between Tracy and Tommy O. Tracy claims that Tommy is simply preoccupied with his new coaching job. Hmm.
But the main event over the past week is Joel's undoing. Sort of.
The shady lawyer is running out of wiggle room and Dee Dee has finally twigged to his grand deception. Dee Dee gets a warning about Joel from Joel's ex-wife. As she puts the pieces together, the last straw comes when she follows Joel to the Weatherfield hospital and sees Joel talking to Lauren in the neonatal intensive care unit.
After Joel leaves, Dee Dee confronts Lauren who begins to reveal some of the truth about her baby and Joel's past actions. Lauren also realizes that it was Joel who administered a labour inducing drug as a means to kill her baby. 
Armed with this information, Dee Dee accompanies Lauren to the police station to be interviewed by D.S. Swain. As the truth comes out, one can only assume that the police will arrest Joel and find him guilty (not Nathan) of the assault of Lauren plus several other crimes.
But hold on. 
Slimeball Joel knows the cops are coming for him so he takes preemptive action by going to the police (Kit) and making a cock-and-bull statement about how it was Lauren who lured him into a sexual relationship and subsequently tried to kill her baby. As for the assault, it must have been Nathan because the police found DNA evidence in his van (thanks to Sarah and Kit).
So, thanks to Joel's maneuvering, the police have no choice but to let him go. Then, amazingly, Joel shows up at Dee Dee's flat and wants to explain. 
In other news, Nick refuses to give Rowan any more money. Leanne is off to see Simon and so Toyah and Nick are left alone. 
After Toyah learns that her operation is a success, she and Nick are elated and the news seems to bring them even closer together - despite their feeble attempts to put aside their mutual attraction. Also, Nick foolishly confides his love for Toyah to David. Toyah is not well pleased.
Over at Ty's house, things are getting tense thanks to the return of Alina and her son (presumably Ty is the Dad). Ty is helping Alina financially and Alina is getting harassing phone calls that Ty wrongly assumes are the work of Hope. None of this is good for Fiz or the girls.
Kit is now living at the Rovers (temporarily) and seems to be attracted to Daisy. At the same time, Ryan seems to be developing a bromance with Kit.

And now for some lines from the week that was:
Steve to Adam and Tim:
"I'm so glad I haven't got a woman in my life"
(The feeling is probably mutual)

Rowan informs Leanne of yet another Altovalent promotion:
"We want you to move up to level eight"
(how many levels are there?)

Tracy to Steve re: Cassie:
"Couldn't you have done better than the local druggie?"
(some would say he's actually punching above his weight)
Mary to Fiz re: Alina:
"I was sorry to hear about the return of the Pop"
(catchy phrase)
Cassie to Steve re: Tracy:
"She's such a hot headed cow"
(wait, who are we talking about?)

David's text to Nick (which he mistakenly sent to Shona):
"Whatever you do, don't sleep with Toyah"
(thanks for the advice)

More advice from David to Nick:
"Don't be swanning about with just a towel"
"Keep little Nicky in your pants"
(better play it safe and wear a sealed hazmat suit 24/7)

Kev: re women:
"They get dazzled. See what they want to see"
(he's a regular Sheryl Sandberg)

Kirk gives Beth some job interview practice questions:
"How fast can an elephant run?"
(depends on his work team's support and his supervisor's encouragement)

Joel to Dee Dee:
"The slate's been wiped clean. Take me back"
(to quote John McEnroe, "you cannot be serious")

Well, fellow Swain Skeptics, so ends another week. Joel can't possible wriggle out of all the crimes he's committed, can he? Dee Dee won't listen to his litany of excuses, will she? I guess we'll find out soon enough. Thanks so much for the pleasure of your company and have a great week.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: The hotpots don't grow on trees edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

That Rowan always seems to be lurking around Coronation Street
It's like he's hiding in a skip somewhere and just pops out every 15 minutes or so to try to indoctrinate, blackmail, or squeeze money out of people. I'm surprised he hasn't materialized in the men's loo at the the Rovers to have a chat with Nick.

Speaking of the great Altovalent sage, Rowan seems a little peeved when Leanne gives him the cold shoulder as she realizes that she needs to focus on her family. Poor Toyah is having an operation after a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. The procedure is touch and go for a while and Leanne comes to realize that her sister and her husband have been neglected and deserve her love and support.

That's a bit awkward for Nick as he wants to tell Leanne that he's in love with Toyah but Toyah insists that they must not say anything to Leanne that might push her away - and back into the arms of Altovalent.

Speaking of Altovalent, it seems that Rowan is pressing Leanne to convince Amy to 'invest' her trust fund in a new Altovalent centre.  Aadi warns Amy of the risks of such an investment.

Over at Tyrone's the family is rocked by the news of Alina's reappearance in Weatherfield. Even more disruptive is the news of Alina's baby boy. 

His name? No, it's not Ty Jr.  His name is Dorin and it looks like Ty is the Dad. Ty attempts to confirm this with a DNA test but Alina catches him in the act and tells him to get lost. Fiz (bless her heart) intervenes and asks Alina to allow Tyrone to be part of his son's life.
Over at the Barlow's house, Steve thinks Cassie is interested in him but Cassie (who does seems interested in Steve) gives him the brush off and they have yet another insult-fest, much to Ken's chagrin.
Steve has another date with Demi but there doesn't seem to be much chemistry between them.

Kit boycotts a family get-together at Billy and Paul's flat. Seems he can't forgive Bernie for her actions in the past. Paul tries to convince Kit to reconcile with Bernie but, while they are chatting, Paul suddenly has breathing problems and Kit panics.

Over at the maternity ward of Weatherfield General, Joel is kept busy trying to keep Lauren under his control and, at the same time, Dee Dee is getting a tiny bit suspicious.

At Speed Dal, Stu's decision to hire noted bully Mason is proving very unpopular and incurs the wrath of Sean and Gary. Betsy (who seems to like Mason) warns Dylan not to do anything which might anger Mason.

And now a few lines from the week that was:
Hope to Ty:
"Jack isn't interested in me"

Beth (who is without a job and skint) at the Rovers:
"I'll just have tap water"
(at least it's non-alcoholic)

Ty to Fiz:
"How do you burn spagbol?
Rowan has news for Leanne:
"Willow would like you to run the resource centre"
(job comes with free downloads!)
Cassie takes a cab request from a prank caller:
"Maya Buttcheeks"
(must be related to I.P. Freely)
Jenny to Glenda re: her house:
"You've got your own spinster pad"
(bachelorette pad sounds better)

Jenny to Gemma who's looking for some free pub grub:
"Hotpots don't grow on trees"
(well, they're certainly not plant based)

Glenda re: Kit:
"I'd help him sort out his smalls any day"
(I'm sure his Calvin Kleins would appreciate the gesture)

Kit to Paul:
"I'm not always a nice person"
(we kind of figured)

Well, Dorin Devotees, so ends another week. Looks like Tyrone's family situation is about to get more complicated as he tries to connect with his son. Let's hope Amy takes Aadi's advice about investing in the Altovalent Resource Centre. Thanks for spending time with us here at the Hip. Have a great week!