Sunday, February 23, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the little maggot edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
Sharing the same fate as Toyah and Nick's passports, the Platt house is officially toast.
It seems that someone (one assumes it's David's arson expert and jail buddy, Andy) torched the Platt house in a scheme that David cooked up to get the insurance money to pay back Harvey for the money David stole. 
The house was supposed to be empty thus no harm, no foul.
David's plan backfired as both Toyah and Max were in the house when it caught fire. They were miraculously rescued and are now are taking up most of the beds at Weatherfield General Hospital as Toyah is recovering from smoke inhalation and Max is in an induced coma. 
Looks like Kit is working overtime to figure out the identity of the arsonist.
The suspects?
Well, there's Leanne who had a big grudge against Toyah (for stealing her fiance) and was wandering around drunk at the time of the fire. She claims she was visiting the grave of her dead son (Oliver) and soft-hearted Steve corroborates her alibi (post-legover, one might add) but in fact she's lying and can't remember where she was.
Then there's Abi who continues to have hallucinations. Abi barged into the Platt house and confronted Toyah (who had reported Abi to Social Services). Abi pushed Toyah who fell backwards and hit her head. Abi panicked and ran away. She was later found by Roy
Abi is arrested by Kit but insists she didn't start the fire.  Her story seems to be verified by Kevin who reviews garage CCTV footage and sees someone (not Abi) stealing a can of gasoline.

David is racked with guilt. Meanwhile Sarah and Nick bump into Andy and discover that he is not only a prison buddy of Dave-o's, but was also in jail for insurance fraud. Sarah and Nick put two and two together and confront David who insists that he's innocent.
In non-conflagration news, Carla is ready to proceed with a kidney transplant from Rob. Rob is disappointed to learn that the medical tests will be conducted at the prison, not at a hospital as he had hoped. Hmm. Seems a little - how you say - 'suspicious'. 

And Amy finally makes it back home after being let down by Steve (who was busy engaging in legover activities). Although traumatised by her encounter with her rapist's bachelor party, she is getting lots of support from Adi.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Tracy describes Steve who lied about his whereabouts on the night he missed calls from Amy:
"Wriggling around like a little maggot"
(a maggot who just had it off with Leanne)

David explains his incriminating internet search history to Sarah:
"I did a little search on how to potentially set fire to your house without looking like arson"
(That clears things up)

Debbie to Kevin re: his unqualified support of Abi:
"There's a fine line between devotion and delusion"
(only Johnny Cash can walk that line)

Abi proclaims her innocence to Kit:
"I didn't start the fire"
(maybe it was Billy Joel?)

Steve compliments Leanne:
"I've always been in awe of your strength"
(Yes, look how effortlessly she placed those passports into the toaster)

Well fellow fire-watchers, it was quite a dramatic week on the Street. Bravo to the firefighters for rescuing Max (it was Nick who got Toyah out of the burning house) and for preventing the fire from spreading next door to Sally and Tim's - we certainly wouldn't want to see any damage to Sally's conservatory or hot tub.  
Thanks so much for spending time here at the Hip. Have a great week (and kudos to Canada's hockey team for an inspiring victory). Cheers!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the arrogant, self-serving muppet edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
Maybe Leanne thought Nick and Toyah would like a full English breakfast... with a side order of toasted passports?
Actually it was revenge.
Leanne treated the passports like Pop Tarts when she saw that the happy couple were planning a nice vacation while she was condemned to pick up litter as a court-ordered, community service sentence (I'm surprised that Hope wasn't in the frame for the arson misdeed).
Either way, the ex-Altovalent member and former arsonist almost succeeded in starting a major fire in Nick's flat before he and Toyah came home in the (ahem) 'nick' of time and removed the toasted passports.
This follows Leanne's latest nocturnal accomplishment as she has a legover with Ryan who seemed happy to oblige. Between Ryan and Kit, it seems almost every woman on Coronation Street has access to their horizontal delights. 
Leanne also tried it on with Ronnie but was rebuffed and then subjected to the Wrath of Debbie (reminiscent of the old days of Elsie Tanner when women felt compelled to warn other women to keep their mitts off their hapless, libido-driven males).
Over at Ken's, it seems that Cassie is continuing to ingratiate herself with the naive nonagenarian and 'Kenny' has asked her to move in (strictly as a full-time carer, of course). Tracy and Adam's efforts to expose Cassie's misdeeds (i.e. drugging Ken and covering up her actions) have fallen flat so far. 
Meanwhile, young Amy is shocked and unsettled by news that her rapist (Aaron) is getting married and having a baby with his new partner. In a panic, Amy calls Steve but Steve is busy making intimate small talk with Leanne (oh oh).
There's danger over at the Platt's house as some unsettling events indicate that noted local gangster (Harvey) is out for revenge or recompense (or both) for the money that David took. 
First, poor David (the dog, not the man) gets hit by a car but fortunately survives. Then Shona is kidnapped and thrown into the back of a van but is subsequently released later unharmed. David reports the whole story to Kit at the police station but the family is rightly scared of what might happen next.
The Weatherfield Police remain quite busy as Chesney is taken down to the station after dash cam video footage shows him pouring sugar into the gas tank of the mystery man who seems to be stalking him. Ches is let off with a warning but it looks like he will have to use the rest of his settlement money (received after Les' death) to pay damages.
In other legal news, Lauren is found not guilty (of killing Joel) and is free to go and play happy families with Frankie and Max
More drama over at Kev and Abi's place as Kevin goes for a scan of the lump on his you-know-what. Abi is a no-show at the hospital and later has a complete meltdown at the place where she found Mason stabbed and bleeding.  Meanwhile it seems that she forgot about her son (Alfie) who appears to have been left in her car.
And finally, it seems that Daisy now knows the identity of the father of her child but is not revealing the info to anyone.
And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Bernie to Gemma:
"Dev turned up for his last wedding on horseback"
(and he was 'saddled' with the bill)

Ken to Adam who warns him about Cassie:
"You're being both offensive and impertinent"
(so is Cassie when she calls you 'Kenny'. Ugh!)  

Brian to Kirk:
"Your hair does not grow after you die"
(bad news for bald men everywhere)

Kit to Daisy:
"If that kid is mine, I'm all in"
(thanks for the limp, conditional commitment)

Debbie to Leanne after Leanne makes a pass at Ronnie:
"Keep your claws off my man"
(can't Ronnie fight his own battles?)

Kit to Daniel re: Daisy
"[she] deserves way more than an arrogant, self-serving muppet like you"
(although the alternative isn't that great either...)

Daisy to Daniel:
"I need you out-of-bounds and unattainable"
(have you considered becoming a nun?)
Leanne to Toyah:
"You stole my fiancé"
(I think the fiancé was mostly responsible)

Bethany to Daisy:
"Maybe your problem is you think you need a man?"
(By Jove, I think you've got it!)

Debbie to Leanne after finding out about the toasted passports:
"That's a bit psycho"
(ya' think?)
Sarah to David (her brother not the canine):
"They got the wrong David. They should have run you over"
(anyone can make a mistake)
Well fellow snowy Street spectators, so ends another week. Let's hope Abi gets some help before things go any further  And let's hope someone exposes Cassie before she bilks Ken out of all his money. 
Thanks for dropping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Take it easy if you're shoveling show. And, if you're not shoveling snow, just take it easy. Either way, have a great week!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the two lying, thieving cows edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Take my kidney, please!

Rob is determined to donate one of his kidneys to Carla and one wonders about his real agenda. After all, he staged the whole knife scene in the visitors room when Matty Ratcliffe used a shiv to threaten a guard and Bobby

So, although Bobby believes that his Dad has discovered religion, Carla has her doubts but agrees to  Rob's donation. In the meantime, Carla is back home under the watchful eye of Lisa Swain.
But there are bigger fish to fry on the Street. 
Over at the courthouse, Lauren is on trial for the murder of Joel. Things are going about as well as expected with witnesses including Max and Roy being grilled like burgers at a Canada Day barbecue by the wily prosecuting lawyer. 
Lauren makes an impassioned speech (is that allowed in court?) but it is actually Dee Dee who makes the best appearance as she calls out Joel's Dad for paying an inmate to goad Lauren into a fight.
Will any of this make a difference to the jury? We don't yet know but the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict during their first deliberation... so you never know.
Elsewhere Abi is dealing with hallucinations of Seb and refusing to get help although Kevin and Toyah have tried to suggest some counseling. Kev is also dealing with a possible diagnois of cancer as he awaits a biopsy of a lump in his nether regions.
The big story of the week is Daisy's pregnancy. Daniel wants to take a DNA test because if (and only if) he's the Dad, he will "step up"  - whatever that means. In the meantime, he's also agreed to go to London with Bethany as she accepts a new job and he's also agreed to a wedding.
But it all falls apart during a pub quiz at the Rovers when Daisy grabs the mic and slips in a surprise paternity question to the assembled punters. This lets the cat out of the bag (meow) and everyone learns that a) Daisy is pregnant and b) Kit or Daniel is the father. 
This causes a chain reaction. Bethany gives Daniel the heave ho. Daniel is cheesed off with Daisy. Kit is not pleased at the public revelation. Jenny is upset that her trivia luncheon has been spoiled. Even more drama ensues later as Daisy experiences sharp stomach pains and has to go to the ER.

A side note (actually a pretty big one) is that Jenny and Daisy have been summoned by Carla and informed that Carla wants the money (that the twosome stole) back pronto. Seems that Carla may have to go private for her kidney transplant and that's expensive so she needs her cash. Just how Daisy and Jenny are going to raise that kind of money ($100 K) without selling the Rovers remains to be seen.

Leanne (egged on by Tracy) decides to make a nuisance of herself by camping out at the Bistro and helping herself to free wine and meals. And, just to top it off, Leanne makes a pass at Ronnie

And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Lauren to prosecuting lawyer:
"Don't look down your nose at me"
(and, while you're at it, remove that wig)

Jenny introduces her lunch time trivia contest:
"Let's get quizzical!"
(I don't get it)

Daisy poses a question about the father of her unborn child during the trivia quiz: 
"Is it a) Kit Green or b) Daniel Osborne?"
(hmm... tough one. Can we have a hint?) 

Kirk ponders Daisy's question:
"What's the answer? Is it Kit or Daniel?"
(ask your teammate)
Daisy re: Daniel:
"You are every cliché in the book"
(you can't judge a book by its cover)

Rob explains his enlightenment to Carla:
"I was in a really dark place"
(the men's washroom?) 
Carla to Jenny and Daisy:
"You two lying, thieving cows still owe me"
(in other words, she'll send you an invoice)

Tracy to Leanne:
"Who wazzed on your chips?"
(the customary accompaniment is malt vinegar) 
Carla wonders why Lisa is spending so much time with her:
"Don't you have criminals to catch?"
(Kit seems to be doing that)
Daniel to Daisy:
"I want to do a DNA test"
(after all he did well on his GCEs)
Well, fellow Cropper Comrades, so ends another week. Another court case (Lauren). Another pregnancy scare (Daisy). Another inebriated pass (Leanne to Ronnie). Plus ça change... etc. etc. Love to see more of Evelyn navigating her way through uni, but I'm not holding my breath.   
Oh well. Thanks so much for stopping by. All the best and have a great week.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Mary Poppins reincarnated edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Don't you hate it when the two potential Dads of your unborn baby walk in on you just as the nurse mentions that your pregnant?

Well, that's what happened to Daisy after she went to the A&E to get checked out after Bethany body-checked her while cutting Bertie's birthday cake (long story, I'll get to it later).

Anyhoo, the point is that Daisy isn't sure who the baby Daddy is and hasn't mentioned Danny Jr/Kit Jr (or Danielle Jr/Kitty Jr) to either of the possible fathers. They only find out when the twosome burst into the examination room to check on Daisy's injury and are surprised to hear that she' child.

Meanwhile, back at Ken's house, it seems that young Bertie has caught Cassie putting drugs into Ken's beverage. Cassie tries to bribe Bertie with an expensive present but Bertie tells Daisy what he saw and Daisy passes this along to Daniel.

Speaking of Daniel, he and Bethany seem to be reaching an impasse. When Bethany receives a great job offer from a magazine in London, Daniel dismisses the possibility of her accepting the job and immediately assumes that she will turn it down to stay in a grotty flat with Daniel in Weatherfield.

That leads to Bethany getting tipsy, stepping on Bertie's new toy, and injuring Daisy.

Over at Kev's, Abi is definitely experiencing trauma as a result of her tragic encounter with Mason as the young man was dying in her arms after he suffered a fatal knife wound. The episode is bringing back memories of Abi's son, Seb, and she is obviously in pain.

Elsewhere, Bobby's efforts to convince his Dad (and Carla's brother), Rob, to give Carla a spare kidney seem to be working as Rob says he has found Jesus and changed his life. This mysterious transformation is further demonstrated at Her Majesty's Prison where Rob is inhabiting the same institution as Matty Radcliffe (under arrest for the killing of Mason). 
During visiting hours, Matty threatens a prison guard and then holds a shiv to the throat of Bobby (who's visiting his Dad). Rob appears to be a hero as he manages to get the knife from Matty and diffuse the situation safely. 

Bobby thinks his Dad is a hero and a changed man. However we then learn that the whole thing was a setup, orchestrated by Rob who seems not to have changed one iota since he murdered Tina.

Still on the subject of Mason's murder, it looks like Dylan has been charged with possession of a bladed article. This stems from his ill-fated attempt to help Mason by brandishing a knife which was eventually snatched by Matty and used to kill Mason.

And finally, Lauren's trial is about to start and she thinks her chances of being acquitted are slim, contrary to Max's repeated assurances. She decides to break up with Max.
Oh and Bernie accepts Dev's marriage proposal. Now all they have to do is find a free moment to share the news with the family.
And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Cassie to Ken:
"I've done something really stupid"
(you'll have to be more specific)
Ryan provides some important backstory to Lisa and Betsy about Carla's brother:
"Long story short: Rob's a murderer"
(maybe give us the longer story?)

Bobby to Carla re: Rob's heroics:
"He stopped me getting shivved"
(thanks Dad!)

Bethany to Daisy:
"You might think you're Mary Poppins reincarnated"
(she's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... and pregnant)

Carla to Rob as she visits him in jail:
"Prison must agree with you"
(must be the weightlifting and communal showers)
Daniel reads an ad for a forest wedding: 
"A true celebration of nature"
(are you sure it's not a nudist colony brochure?)


Well fellow Cobble Cohorts, so ends another week. Let's hope Carla gets a kidney donor and let's also keep our fingers crossed for Dylan and Lauren as they face serious charges. Thanks for stopping by at the Hip and do have a great week.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the nice balaclavas edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
Exit Mason.
The poor lad was turning his life around, being nice and planning to join Stu in Germany to work at Stu's new resto - before misfortune struck. Mason was stabbed by his no-good brothers and even the miracle workers at Weatherfield General Hospital couldn't save him. He - and his eyelashes - will be missed.
The theme of the week seems to be young'uns on Coronation Street doing daft things.
Let's start with Dylan
Mason enlists Dylan's help as he breaks into his brothers' flat to recover stolen items which could implicate the bad bros in the death of Lisa Swain's wife. Mason gives the stolen goods to D.S. Swain to be used as evidence in finally bringing the Radcliffe brothers to justice.  
It's a grand gesture but it leads to Mason getting cornered in a ginnel by his two evil brothers (Matty and Logan). Dylan comes to Mason's rescue brandishing a knife (which he foolishly keeps hidden at home).  One of the brothers grabs the knife and stabs Mason. 
Dylan is racked with guilt and finally confesses the truth to his Dad (Sean). Sean is horrified and tells Dylan he must tell the police the truth about the knife (even though Dylan wasn't the stabber) but Dylan is scared and just wants to run away. Probably not a good idea...
Other examples of young'uns doing bad things?
Well, there's Joseph who is encouraged by Hope ('natch) to pull pranks. So Joseph calls in a fake emergency to 999 (911 in Canada) which happens to divert Asha's paramedic crew to a hoax address and is thus late coming to the aid of Mason. Joseph turns himself into the police and Kit brings him home to tell Gemma and Chesney about his misdeed and Hope's encouragement.
Finally, there's Betsy who is racked with anguish and sorrow over Mason's death and confesses to her Mum (Lisa Swain) that she actually helped Matty and Logan with their robbery of Underworld (which led to the Radcliffe's assault of Carla). Lisa is shocked and upset - even more so when she learns that Carla knew of Betsy's involvement in the robbery and said nothing.
Speaking of Carla, it seems that her infection has damaged her one remaining kidney but the extent of the damage is not yet known. 
Tracy is having trouble convincing Steve and Amy that Cassie is up to no good.
On the brighter side, Evelyn continues making strides in her plan to attend University. A taxing interview with a woman (whom Evelyn actually impersonated in order to attend a law seminar) is awkward, but Evelyn perseveres and is now a bona fide student. How will she cope with her studies and her other responsibilities? Let's keep our fingers crossed that she succeeds.
And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sarah tells Bethany that she is helping the planet:
"I do my recycling and I stopped eating meat"
(I'll let Greta Thunberg know)
Kit catches Matty and Logan as they don their criminal gear:
"Nice balaclavas lads!"
(it's the latest fashion for stylish thugs)
Sally to Tim re: Dylan:
"Why would he even carry a knife?"
(good question)

Well, fellow Mason mourners, so ends another week and hats off to Mason for his heroic efforts to turn his life around before being fatally stabbed by his thug-based brothers. It was a grim week so not many fun or memorable lines. Let's hope for happier times in the weeks ahead (and, BTW,  well done Evelyn!) 
Have a great week and thanks, as always, for the pleasure of your company.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the WAG that time forgot edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Happy New Year? 
More like 'Crappy New Year' for many denizens of the Street.
Let's start with David Platt (sidebar: I guess he didn't get a comb for Christmas).
Ol' Davey finally discovers the identity of Shona's one-night standee (hint: he's taller than a bread box... much taller). Anyhoo, when David discovers it was Kit, he flips out and disappears for a day or two. Shona is worried about him and wants to save her marriage but David wants her out of the house. 
David has a confrontation with Kit, but Kit simply fabricates a crime (he smashes his own car windshield) and arrests David. Kit also gives the Radcliffe thugs (sub-contractors hired by Harvey) the green light to put the squeeze on David (who stole Harvey's ill-gotten cash).
David, now fearful of retribution from the Radcliffes and the safety of his family, reconciles with Shona.
After Shona confronts Kit about his heavy-handed, bent-copper interaction with David, Daisy learns about his one-night legover with Shona. Daisy is not amused and tells Kit to sling his hook. Daisy is pregnant but unsure of the identity of the father. We can rule out Kirk and Ken (he's busy with Cassie) but we can't rule out Daniel or Kit. It's a toss up.
Speaking of Daniel, he decides to hold his engagement party in the Rovers a few feet from Daisy. How considerate! Daisy wants to have a quiet word with D (you know, just to chat about the weather and Daniel's possible fatherhood).  Meanwhile Sarah seems hellbent on sticking it to Daisy.
Things are moving along for Carla and Lisa except that Carla worries about Lisa's dangerous job and admits that she's falling in love with a copper. Lisa doesn't reciprocate right away although she's says she feels the same way (or will do in time).  What will Peter say when he returns from his stint on the S.S. Minnow? Maybe he'll marry them both (he's got form).
All is going nicely until Carla suffers what seems to be a psychotic episode but may, in fact, be sepsis. This is a dangerous health situation for her. 
Cassie continues to ingratiate herself with Ken (it's not too hard) much to the dismay of Tracy. Tracy is right to be concerned as Cassie has been secretly drugging Ken and also trying to bilk him out of some cash (with a cock-and=bull story about her credit card debt).
Over at the Bistro, Nick has been able to find video evidence that shows it was Leanne who fabricated the fraud charges against him and Toyah. Now Leanne faces a court case for fraud and is ostracized by all for her misdeeds.
Mason has to plan a date with Betsy but is short on ideas. Unfortunately Sally is there to 'help'.
And now for some lines from the week that was:

Shona describes Kit to Daisy:
"Grade A Scumbag"
(he might even be a Grade B Scumbag)

Daisy discovers that Kit had a legover with Shona:
"What was the plan? Sleep your way around the street and start with the married ones?"
(Next up: Sally?)

Daisy confides in Jenny as to her predicament:
"I don't know who the Dad is... could be Daniel could be Kit"
(time for a coin toss)

Evelyn has resolved to go back to school:
"This is going to be the best year ever for Evelyn Plummer"
(good for Evelyn)

Tracy insults Cassie:
"Anna Nicole Skag Head"
(I'll check out her Facebook page)

Cassie insults Tracy:
"The WAG that time forgot"
(at least Tommy O. seems to have)

Tracy warns Cassie to keep her paws off Ken:
"You're barking up the wrong pensioner"
(yes, only family are allowed to freeload off him)

Steve insists to Cassie that he can name two operas:
"Nutcracker was on the end of my tongue"
(sounds painful!)

Well fellow Kit Critics, so ends another week. I hope Carla is okay. I hope Ken is okay (Bad Cassie!). Congratulations to Evelyn for pursuing her dream. It's never too late! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the West Side Story... with wrinkles edtion

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
It wouldn't be Christmas on the Street without a cat-fight, a non-cat-fight, a departure, a song and a wedding.
So tick all the boxes because the Corrie Christmas episodes had a bit of everything.
There was a cameo from noted psycho and amphibious killer Richard Hillman, one of Gail's notorious exes who showed up in a dream singing a Christmas song.
Then, a last-minute hitch as Audrey showed up during Gail's Hen Do and spilled the beans on Jesse's shady dealings with David. Once Gail discovered that Jesse helped launder the money which David stole from Harvey, the wedding was off. But the next morning (after Gail's nightmare about psycho Richard Hillman), Gail realized that Jesse wasn't so bad after all.
The two lovebirds made up and the wedding went ahead without a hitch...
I'm kidding of course. 
There were more fireworks, fights and snafus than question period in the House of Commons.
There was Nick snogging Toyah in full view of all the wedding guests just as Leanne walked into the Bistro. A few insults ensued followed by a vicious fight between Leanne and Toyah which resulted in Officer Craigie intervening and getting assaulted by Leanne. This after a couple of coppers showed up earlier to arrest Nick and Toyah for fraud (based on Leanne's trumped up evidence) however Nick managed to make it back to the Bistro before the wedding was over.
Then there was David who was convinced that Shona had a one-night stand with Adam. David planned to get Adam drunk and confront him but the plan backfired and, during a tussle between David and Adam, Adam wound up falling down the stairs of his flat. Adam was taken to hospital but fortunately he's fine. Shona subsequently insists to David that she didn't have a legover with Adam (pity!) but she refuses to identify the culprit (Kit).

Meanwhile ol' Kit is a busy fella as he seems to be solely responsible for investigating, arresting and interrogating every crime - or possible crime - on the Street. 

Outside the Bistro, Daniel and Bethany are a having a heart-to-heart while Daisy watches, waiting to have a chance to talk to Daniel (for whom one suspects she still has feelings). However Daisy is crestfallen to see Daniel proposing to Bethany (Bethany says "yes"). Daisy is even more perturbed when she discovers she is pregnant.

Gail and Audrey had a falling out as Audrey tried to sabotage Gail's wedding plans because she didn't want Gail to go to France and leave her. However the two finally reconciled and had a touching heart-to-heart during the wedding.

In fact, there were a lot of touching moments during Gail's wedding at the Bistro (when guests weren't fighting) including David's excellent (and surprising) speech about Gail, Max's wonderful video compilation of well-wishers, and Jesse's speech.

The grand finale was Gail and Jesse leaving in a white Jaguar on their way to the South of France as everyone on the Street waves a tearful goodbye. 
Bon Voyage Gail, we'll miss you!
And now a few lines from the week that was:
Richard to Gail (in a dream):
"We should have died together when we had the chance"
(um, thanks but no thanks)

Eileen is touched (kind of) by Jesse and Gail's romance:
"It's like West Side Story with wrinkles"
('I Feel Pretty'... old)

Jesse's vow to Gail:
"You've made me the happiest man on the planet"
(could you specify which planet?)

Sally to D.S. Swain and Carla re: Betsy's drunken state and her possible vomiting:
"My soft furnishings are soft clean only"
(thanks for the heads up!)

Audrey issues an ultimatum to Gail:
"If you do decide to marry that man, you'll never see me again"
(You'll have to be more specific. Which man?)

Daisy (in Speed Dal) snaps at Bethany:
"It's not a bhaji, it's a pakora"
(she should study the menu more closely)

David explains one of Gail's exes to Shona:
"Joe, died faking his own death"
(ah those were the days...)

Debbie promoting her New Year's Eve Roman empire theme party to Shona:
"Welcome to the chariot races!"
(It's like 'Gladiator' with canapes) 

Gail to Jesse:
"You laundered gangster money for our dream villa?"
(only because the mortgage rates are so high) 
Gail to Sally:
"It's just au revoir"
(All the best, Gail)  
Well, fellow Gail Gazers, so ends another week - and an era - as our beloved Gail makes her exit from Coronation Street for the sunny climes of Southern France, in a villa financed by a gangster's stolen money, and with a former two-timing, children's entertainer. What could be better?  
Thanks so much for stopping by and spending time here at the Hip. Have a great week and let's hope the departure of Gail coincides with some new and engaging stories in the New Year.