Joe McIntyre berates Gail and her track record with men:
"That doorway should have a sign over it. Fellas, abandon hope all ye who enter."
(hmm, I don't know, I prefer something like 'Gailhouse rock' or 'the Platteau')
Michelle sees Steve coming into the pub with his motorcycle leathers on:
"Oh, look out, here comes weevil knievel"
(aka 'the queasy rider')
Sophie tries to summarize Rosie's reason for breast enhancement:
"So, really what you want is to be leered at by a load of sad pervs?"
(not a load, just the most handsome. Duh?)
Kelly Crabtree admits to Steve that she's had enough to drink:
"I think if I drink owt more, I’m gonna throw up in your helmet"
(hopefully while Steve's still wearing it...)
Michelle is obliged to defend Rosie's good name:
"She might be a brainless slapper, but that’s Kevin’s daughter you're talking about"
(er...thanks for the good word, I think...)
Tyrone is brutally honest about the personal possibilities of cosmetic surgery:
"Maybe a bit of liposuction on me man boobs"
(Oh my, I think I may need Steve's helmet after Kelly's finished...)
Ashley is proud to boast about his choice cuts of meat:
"I've got some lovely rump"
(Funny, Claire doesn't seem to have noticed)
Well, that's it for another week. Have a great weekend and enjoy the Sunday omnibus episodes. Thanks for stopping and tolerating all the bad puns. (I know that you suffer for my art). Rest assured, I appreciate the fortitude and the comments. Cheers and see you next week at BPH.
heehee...the Platteau....