Well, well. It's looks like ol' Steverino is in 'Granger Danger' as he confronts Kylie and her thievin' ways. Elsewhere on the Street, Owen the builder seems to be working 'overtime' as he splits his contracting duties between Liz and Eileen. And, our Gary is in trouble again for fighting a punter outside the pub. O Tempus, O Mores! (O get on with it! - ed). Here we go with a little something we like to call TGIF, a look back at some of the week's memorable lines. Allez:
Mary finds a red hair on her pillow thus narrowing down the list of suspects who stole her camper van:
"It appears that the perpetrator of my burglary was a redhead"
(Rita Sullivan, j' accuse)
Becky tells Steve to be patient with Kylie:
"We're all works in progress"
(and, believe me, Kylie is a real piece of work... in progress)
Mary's sleuthing leads her to suspect Kylie Granger:
"I think she's the missing link"
(Book her, Dano)
Audrey gets all nostalgic about Nick when he was an infant:
"Nick was such a great baby"
(he's still a baby... just not so great)
Betty Turpin is not amused at being a suspect in the Great Rovers Robbery:
"I'd storm out if I had the energy"
(...or maybe she'll just go on a hotpot strike)
Nick continues to berate Trevor at Underworld:
"See what your fat monkey's done now"
(Hey, hey. Trevor is not fat)
Kylie tries to seduce Steve as a way to keep him quiet about her habit of stealing:
"You may be married but you're still a bloke"
(Boy, Kylie makes Rosie look like the Duchess of Cambridge)
Well, fellow Corriephiles, it's the end of the week and there are several problems on the horizon: Kylie's habits, Gary's arrest, Claire Peacock's moving agenda, Natasha's faux pregnancy & Owen's two-timing ways. On the surprising side, ol' Kirk seems to be doing his Sydney Carton routine and taking the fall for Gary Windass. That's a bit of a surprise. We'll see how it turns out. In the meantime, have a great weekend and thanks, as always, for stopping by. See you next week right here at the Hip. Cheers!
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