Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF: the "just try saying 'repechage' after a skinful" edition

please note: this post makes reference to the August 2 edition on CBC

As we expected, the IOC is on our back again. Our lawyers (Slingya, Hook & Bard) have informed us that Jacques Rogge takes offence at our use of the word "repechage" and we have been advised against using Olympic terminology which is only used once every four years. Although, interestingly, I once lobbied for a "repechage" after I failed a French quiz in high school but the teacher replied with a firm "non". Touché, Monsieur LeBon!

But I digress. For newcomers to this blog (quick, it's not too late to leave while you can - ed), Friday at the Hip is called Tony Gordon It's Friday or TGIF, a quick look back at some of the memorable lines of the week along with some snarky commentary.  So, surfers, take your mark:

Tracy smells something bad coming from Beth's breafast:
"Your kippers are rank"
(I really hope kippers are a type of fish)

Sean's flower arrangement and dinner preparations are wasted on an absent Marcus:
"My tulips have gone limp"
(I really hope tulips are a type of flower)

Mary waxes poetic about the dance hall in Blackpool:
"The magnificent organ rising out of the ground"
(I really hope an organ is a musical instrument) 

Norris toots his own ballroom dancing horn:
"I was something of a smooth operator dance wise"
(Move over Michael Flatley, it's 'Mitherdance')

Eva tries to make up with Nick by confessing her faults:
"I know I can be insanely jealous"
(well, you're half right, you are insane)

Stella tell Eva how much she loves for Karl
"He's my world"
(If by world, you mean global disaster, then yes)

Tracy gets a question from a would-be house buyer who sees Craig's pet:
"Is that a rat?"
(No, the rat is smaller and it's not called Beth)

Mary tries to dance in the shop while holding a hot beverage:
"I spilled my cup of cha with my cha cha cha"
(perhaps you could sashay further away?)

Norris summarizes Mary's dancing aptitude:
"All the natural rhythm and grace of a fridge freezer"
(That's an insult to Maytags everywhere)

Sunita asks Stella about her fears:
"Do you have any phobias?"
(only adulteryobia)

Marcus tells Sean he slept at Maria's place - not with Aidan:
"The only thing I spooned last night was Liam's 'Tickle me Elmo' "
(Elmo not happy with Sean)

Peter threatens Nick on the street:
"I see you for what you are: a scheming, little toe rag"
(but his prix fixe menu is quite good)

Eva is surprised to learn details about Craig's rat:
"The thing has a name?"
(Yes, it's Darrell... and he's single)

The council inspector was not impressed by the kitchen at the Flying Horse
"Their Panini maker is a disgrace"
(Yeah, I hear he hasn't had a bath in weeks)

Sean decides not to go to work after his bust-up with Marcus:
"I couldn't face the estrogen inquisition"
(it's like the Spanish inquisition with hormone replacement therapy)


Well, my fellow lovers of Corrie, we're almost at the end of the week and heading into those long, hot two days which some call the weekend but I call the non-Corrie days. However, if you're watching the omnibus edition on Sunday, enjoy. To all new and returning visitors, thanks very much for dropping by and spending time at the Hip. Meet me back here next week and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!

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