Sunday, December 16, 2018

Coronation Street Catch Up: the badger watching edition

your one-stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Sally's racking up a hefty phone bill from prison but most of her calls are in vain.

That's because sister Gina is doing her best to drive a wedge between Tim and Sal. Tim has his doubts about Sally's fidelity and Gina is taking advantage because she's warm for Tim's form.

Kate is super keen on pursuing her dream to have a baby. Rana?  Not so much. Robert is super keen on having a baby with Michelle. Michelle? Not so much. I think you know where this is going. One baby to please them all. Yikes! But hold on. Imram gets wind of the secret baby scheme and insists that Rana be told the truth.

Things are not going well for Fiz and Tyrone. Young Hope is stressing out both her parents with her behaviour. After upsetting Evelyn's mega jigsaw puzzle, Hope than releases the hound (i.e. unties Cerebus) and sends him on an unscheduled tram trip.

The situation is exacerbated by Evelyn's acid tongue and her dislike of poor Fiz, so she (Evelyn) is going to be shipped out. As for young Hope, Fiz and Ty are trying to find help for her serious behavioural problems.

And, yes, the Battersby sisters are at it again. Toyah has an encore hook up with Imram. Leanne seems to be having an encore relationship with Nick after being locked in the cafe by Shona the matchmaker who wants them to kiss and make up. Will they never learn?

Jenny can't help but be suspicious of Johnny and Liz but Johnny's more focused on his trivia night about equines and birds. In other words, horse feathers.

And now for a few lines from last week:

Toyah to Imram after their sudden encounter:
"Is this a one off?"
(Maybe a two-off. who knows?)

Shona tells Leanne to be careful with her knife:
"I don't want Roy to come back from badger watching only to find his cutlery missing"
(the badger would be upset too)

Evelyn to Johnny at the Rover's counter:
"Have you seen a greyhound come in here?"
(Are you kidding? Not at these prices)

Cathy doesn't like working at the Kabin with Rita:
"Your management style is a bit dictatorial"
(Maybe Rita should "lean in")

Leanne to Nick as they get back together:
"This is a mistake"
(Yes, it is)

Johnny wonders why Jenny is being nice to Liz:
"You wouldn't have given her the clippings from your toenails"
(would she want them?)

Hope re: Evelyn:
"She's a nasty old bat"
(better verify with Roy. He's the expert)

Well fellow Corrie-nthians, so ends another week. Poor Sal. Will she ever catch a break? Let's hope so. The thought of her having to organize inmate yoga classes for the next three years is too horrible to contemplate. 

Please note that holiday festivities may put a crimp in my Corrie blogging activities but I will do my best to keep the feeble ramblings coming. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week! 

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