Saturday, November 7, 2020

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Holy Water edition

 your one-stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

So, looks like Davey Platt has signed up for Ray Crosby's Reverse Mortgage (move over Kurt Browning). Interested? Here's how it works. Roxy buys your house and leases it back to you until Ray decides to bulldoze it and Gary Windass builds a high-rise on the land. Just to sweeten the deal, Ray throws in a free sinkhole.

As part of Gary's deal with the devil (i.e. Ray), he has to try to convince everyone on Coronation Street to sell his/her house. Alya could be interested because she needs money to pay Yasmeen's legal fees. 

But, right now, Ray Crosby has other more.. er.. pressing problems. A nice little private poker à deux with some rich punter in the Bistro is interrupted by Scott wearing a mask (at least I presume it's a mask). Scott has been engineering this caper for a while and he wants Johnny to be the getaway driver - or else Scott will tell Jenny about Johnny's chequered past. However, just before the heist, Johnny gets an MS attack and a disgusted Scott coshes Johnny on the head. Scott proceeds with the holdup by himself. Will he get away with it? Will Jenny discover the truth about Johnny?

Elsewhere, Todd is outed (from the attic) and re-integrates himself into Coronation Street (after Eileen negotiates his freedom from the wrath of Mick). Todd's first priority? Cause trouble and lots of it. He tries to come between Billy and Paul and does a pretty good job. He also manages to irritate Sean while Sean's son (Dylan) is visiting.

Over at the hospital things are looking grim. Leanne is not impressed with the mediator. Steve fails to get the German doctor to support Oliver in court. Nick fails to tell Leanne about Natasha's offer of 20,000 pounds to help Oliver's case. The rift between Leanne and Nick grows bigger and Gail is interfering (as per usual).

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Scott points a gun at Ray and his friend:
"Do exactly as I say and no one needs to get hurt"
(too late. That mask is hurting my eyes)

Mary to Billy as they discover it is Todd, not a ghost, in the attic:
"I suppose we won't be needing the Holy Water then" 
(Hold on to it. Todd could be the devil)

Mary to Eileen who deceived her about the noises in the attic:
"We were about to sprinkle the landing carpet with Holy Water" 
(Go ahead, it could use a bit of cleaning)

Todd to Eileen:
"I'm a butterfly, Mom. I need to spread my wings and fly"
(More like a murder hornet)

Gail to Sam re: the fuel for his rockets:
"I use that to clean my u bend"
(works for her sinks too)

Gail tells Natasha not try to get back with Nick:
"Someone should tell you it reeks of desperation"
 (Gail should know)

Billy to Todd:
"When did you get so nasty?"
(about 30 years ago - give or take)

Well, fellow Weatherfield Watchers, so ends another week. Gail is in full mithering mode. Scott's goofball robbery is underway. New Todd is being his old annoying self. Just business as usual on Corrie.  Thanks for stopping by and sharing your company with us here at the Hip. Stay safe and have a great week!

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