Sunday, January 14, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the sympathy snog edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Let's start with the most shocking development: Adam's hair.

Seems that the Street's notable hunk-lawyer has shelved his pomade in favour of a lighter, fluffier look. The verdict? As they say in the courtroom, the jury's out.

But back to non-coiffure events. The fallout from Daisy and Ryan's legover continues. Daisy wants Daniel to give their relationship another chance but Daniel is playing the hard man and is not keen to forgive and forget. Things get heated when Daniel and Ryan get into a 'Gunfight at the OK Corral' stance on the Street resulting in a few modest punches. 

Daisy is distressed to hear about the fight and visits Ryan and then Daniel. Oops. Wrong order of visits it seems as Daniel is cheesed off to learn that Ryan got preferential treatment. That faux pas seems to signal the end of Daniel and Daisy.

Meanwhile Ryan pleads his case to Crystal and she agrees to take him with her to Glasgow for a fresh start. 

Daisy is despondent but finds solace in helping Jenny try to solve the puzzle of Stephen's laptop. There is a file on Stephen's laptop computer which seems to be linked to Stephen's mystery bank account but is password protected. Daisy recovers Stephen's journal (thrown in the trash by Audrey). As she sifts through the pages, she manages to find the correct password: "Mummyissues?" No. "Notmyfault?" No. "CanadaDay?" Closer. "Tofino?" Bingo!

Seems that Stephen enjoyed his stay on British Columbia's Vancouver Island and used the town of Tofino as his password. Once into the secret file, Daisy discovers that she has access to the 250,000 pounds that Stephen stole from Underworld. Will she use the money to help Jenny buy back the Rovers?

Speaking of Carla, seems that her and Peter are having marital issues. Tim tries to help Peter with some patented hot tub therapy. Two naked men in a vat of boiling liquid? How could that possibly not help? 

Peter arranges to meet the family of his liver donor. Carla remains preoccupied with the factory but is piqued to learn that Peter hasn't shared the info with her and she now wants to attend the meeting with him.

Over at the Bistro, a Platt family reconciliation threatens to go off the rails. Feeble attempts at niceness turn ugly until young Sam shames the assembled family members into being more sensitive, caring and kind. How long will it last? No comment.

It's a sad state of affairs at the Bailey house as Ed sinks deeper into gambling debt and loses the turkey dinner money betting on the horses. At the same time, the dubious charm of Sarge seems to diminish with each passing week. Maybe Aggie is lucky to be out of town while he visits.

Elsewhere it looks like Stu's plan to shunt Dom off to Germany for reunification (with his German family) seems to have worked. The only problem is that Eliza is very upset at the prospect of her Dad leaving. 

Things are a little more quiet at Ty's house as that nasty dog owner, Terry, has made no further appearances but Evelyn is convinced that the police are after her for dog-napping.

Following the Platt's family therapy session, Audrey conducts job interviews with Maria and then David to see who is best qualified to manage the salon. Maria aces the interview. David does not.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Tim to Peter re: Stephen as the cause of Peter's problems:
"It all comes down to that toerag"
(the Canadian toe rag)

Daisy shows Jenny that she's accessed Stephen's secret bank account:
"We could keep every penny"
(you mean, steal?) 

Daniel is skeptical about what led to Daisy's legover with Ryan:
"A sympathy snog that got out of hand?"
(I hate when that happens)

Daisy tires of Daniel's "poor me" attitude:
"Do you have to be the only tragic hero in the village?"
(depends on the village)

David summarizes the revelation in Stephen's journal:
"Saint Gail was playing away"
(with an Australian no less)

Gail to Sarah re: her past infidelity and Brian's affairs:
"It doesn't feel right talking about our sex life like this"
(it doesn't bother me)

Evelyn channels street-speak to explain to Ken her low-profile:
"I'm in the down low"

Sarah to David:
"Your little snarky comments are as funny as gangrene"
(maybe even less funny)
Well, patient punters, so ends another week. I hope Ryan enjoys Glasgow. Nice to see that Daisy has discovered where Stephen hid his stolen money. Maybe it should be returned to its rightful owner? Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great week! 

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