Sunday, October 30, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the male, pale and stale edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Looks like James is coming off the pitch.

While some of us had dreams of James leading Weathy County to glory and then making the jump to the Premier League, it looks like it won't happen. James has elected to retire from playing in favour of accepting a coaching job in London (where he can be close to his boyfriend).

Everyone is delighted except Aggie who's a little sad at the prospect of James moving away. On the other hand, she has her daughter, Dee Dee, at home (not to mention Michael).

Speaking of Dee Dee, seems she is going full tilt on the Stu case in an effort to have Stu's case reviewed (and have Stu exonerated). But there's a snag. Stu wants to drop the review so that his ex-wife will allow him to continue seeing his daughter and granddaughter. However Alya is convinced that the ex-wife is hiding something and sneakily procures some of her DNA in order to test it against DNA on an article at the scene of the crime (at least I think that's the plan).

Meanwhile Ken declares that he has "feelings" for Wendy and she feels "feelings" for him in the same way. Hmm. One wonders what Tracy will say about these "feelings". Meanwhile Ken's 'friendship' with Wendy appears to be having an adverse effect on the upcoming amateur play as Ken's re-writes are not sitting well with Mary or Brian who feel like they are being short changed.

Over at Rev. Billy's place, Summer and Aaron decide to do a bit of baking (you know, like the Great British Baking Show - except with cannabis). Seems Aaron has stolen a little weed from his Dad and the two enjoy the mirthful fruits of their labour, until the Bishop shows up and pops a hallucinogenic brownie. Spoiler alert: vespers are going to be fun this evening.

However, Aaron's psycho Dad shows up later on at the garage and starts roughing up Aaron for ripping off his weed. Kev steps in and tells Bad Dad to jog on. This can't be good for Aaron.

Over at the Rovers, Jenny takes an unfortunate fall on a wet floor (thanks Glenda) and winds up with a sprained ankle. Garrulous Glenda takes over the coveted role of Trivia Night quiz master and is a roaring success. Jenny is not amused.

Finally, Dev and Bernie are back together.

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Summer, who is high on drugs, tells Billy what she would say to the Bishop:
"Hello Mr. Bishop. Fancy a vol-au-vent?"
(works for me)

Aaron to Summer after finding some weed in his Dad's wallet
"Maybe we can do something wild?"
(How about a raucous game of Parchesi?) 

The play director comments on Wendy's monologue:
"The mint imperials line is a triumph!"
(That Ken is quite the Tom Stoppard) 

Mary to Tim who's er... flying without a licence:
"Put Mr. Mouse back in his house"
(and lock the door) 

Mary walks out on Ken's practice session because he's shown up with Wendy:
"Have fun with Yoko"
(Looks like the opposite of Instant Karma) 

Shona to Brian re: Ken
"He's got great hair"
(and has had since 1960) 

Ty, Ches and Kev's trivia team name:
"Male, pale and stale"
(the three amigos)

Aadi to Bernie who is returning Dev's smalls.
"Why have you got my Dad's underpants?"
(just lucky, I guess)

Dev to Chesney, the latest person to comment on his smalls:
"Does everyone know about my underpants?"
(I blame social media)

Well, fellow Trim up North Northerners, so ends another week. Sad to see James leave but we wish him well and maybe he'll return one day as a successful coach. Like many, I tire somewhat at the long saga of Stu. One hopes it will be resolved soon and that Stu resists the temptation to play his guitar. Oh well, thanks for sharing your time here at the Hip and have a great week.

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