Sunday, October 23, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the "can I tempt you with a fish finger?" edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Well, looks like we have a true Canadian crime story on our hands.

No, it's not the case of some lowlife stealing a honey-glazed donut from Tim Horton's. This dastardly deed takes place on the gantry of Underworld as Leo finally confronts Stephen about his lies and deception. A struggles ensues ending in Leo being pushed, falling to his death, and landing in a dumpster.

Stephen desperately tries to cover his tracks by using an Underworld van to transport and dispose of the body (surely he should have checked with Kirk first?) Then Stephen manages to retrieve Leo's suitcase and passport and burns the items in the middle of a field (bit suspicious one would think). 

Meanwhile, back at the Rovers, Jenny is distraught. She believes Leo has run off to Canada without her (after all his suitcase and passport are missing). 

Her heartbreak soon turns to anger as she believes that Leo didn't have the decency to level with her before leaving. To make matters worse, Leo's stroppy Pop shows up and wants to know what's going on and why he hasn't heard from his son.

Elsewhere, Ed and Aggie's daughter, Dee Dee, comes home and job one for her is sorting out James' football contract. Seems that Weatherfield County FC brass are trying to weasel out of a fair settlement and Dee Dee (a lawyer) sorts things out pronto. 

James is delighted but, now that his football career seems to be over, he is wondering about his future and a job interview at the Bistro does not go well.

Seems Evelyn is fed up. After a very brief stint working in a charity shop and dealing with babysitting requests, Dev and sundry irritants, she takes off with a suitcase and Cerberus. Hopefully she'll be back soon.

Over at Speed Dal, the resto has been closed due to the fact that the punters are shunning the place because convicted murderer Stu is working there. Alya and Yasmeen convince Dee Dee to take on the job of reviewing Stu's case in the hope of finding evidence to prove Stu's innocence. Yasmeen insists on re-opening Speed Dal, offering big discounts to diners, but it doesn't go so well.

Aadi is still in hospital and heartbroken by Kelly's leaving. However he is finally ready to be discharged but Dev is... um... otherwise engaged in a spontaneous horizontal mambo session with Bernie. When Asha finally tracks him down, she is grossed out. 

Speaking of Bernie, she agrees to pretend to be Fern (her doppelganger) in order to take a driving test for Fern - for a fee. Seems that being Fern's stunt double can be quite lucrative.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Jenny to Daisy re: Leo
"He must have decided to go to Canada without me"
(maybe he was in a hurry to catch a Leafs game?)

Nurse to Aadi:
"How's your bowels, love?"
(Fine. And yours?)

Bernie to Paul re: her alleged dalliance with Noel Gallagher
"You know he wrote 'Wonderwall' about me"
(Does Liam know?)

Jenny to Daisy re: her ill-advised snog with Stephen:
"What is it with me and older men?"
(I blame Viagra)

Jenny to Stephen:
"Leo's dead to me"
(and to Stephen too)

Gail brandishes a box of frozen food in front of Gabrielle:
"Are you sure I can't tempt you with a fish finger?"
(believe or not, that's a hard "No")

Leo's Dad to Leo re: Jenny
"You're chucking yourself away on some old slapper in a back street boozer"
(Hey! Watch what you say about the Rovers!)

Leo to Daisy re: Jenny and her illicit kiss with Stephen:
"What if another bloke happens along in Canada?"
(Good point. I hear there are quite a few blokes over there)

Stephen to Gabrielle:
"You don't take your eyes off a rattlesnake"
(even a Canadian rattlesnake? They're usually very polite)


Well, patient punters, so ends another week. How long can Stephen cover up the murder of Leo? After all, there are good (although expensive) telecommunication links in Canada and they work quite well (except for Rogers outages). 

Sooner or later surely someone is going to notice that Leo didn't arrive in Canada and call or email someone in Weatherfield. Right? At least one would think so.  Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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