Saturday, March 2, 2019

Coronation Street Catch Up: the original firestarter edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Call it the nautical curse of  Coronation Street.

First it was Joe's ill-fated yacht (Gail Force) which was destined for disaster, and now Captain Barlow's SS Minnow (er, I mean SS Buoy Toy) comes a cropper as it burns to the ground.

Speaking of Cropper, seems sleepwalking Roy is one of the suspects behind the blaze although Peter thinks it could be the recently jilted Abi, or even Carla (since Carla deleted the CCTV footage of Roy leaving the boat as it caught fire}.

Poor Simon, who happened to be dozing in the boat as it burned could have died but Peter saved him and he's recovering in he Weatherfield General hospital {probably in the room next to Clayton).

Yes, that's right. Clayton got beaten up in jail as promised by the thugs who tried to blackmail Shona into smuggling drugs into the prison.

Tyler (Amy's baby Daddy) is working at the Bistro and his Mom (Vicki) is stirring things up with Steve and Tracy as they try to proceed with plans to adopt Amy's baby.

Tyrone thinks Mary is warm for his form. After many false starts (and a near accident with a kebab cutting implement), Gemma and Chesney finally manage to um... connect and move from the friend zone to the erogenous zone.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Ty to Kevin re: Mary:
"Isn't she like... asexual?"
(Definitely not. Just ask Norris)

Peter accuses Abi of setting fire to his boat:
"The original firestarter"
(who just happens to be on

Tracy thinks she's quite funny:
"Sometimes I've thought I could do standup"
(in prison maybe?)

Gemma explains her predicament to Brian:
"My brain is trying stop me getting a legover"
(it's a losing battle)

Tim to Captain Barlow:
"Peter, your boat's on fire"
(and not in the Alicia Keys' sense either)


Well, fellow Rovers' Rovers, so ends another week. It's a shame about Peter's boat. It was looking pretty good after all that work he put into it. Oh well, at least Simon is safe and recovering (that poor lad. I think that's his second fire, not to mention all the other disasters in his short life).  Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week.

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