Sunday, May 12, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the glandular secretions edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Coronation Street...


Have you noticed that the state of Adam's hair often reflects his state of mind?

When it's straight and high, he's usually lashing out in anger.
When it's tamed with product, he's smooth and seductive.
When it's curly, he seems more mellow.
Just a theory...
Speaking of theories, D.S. Swain seems to have a lot of wacky ideas about what happened to Lauren. Her first choice is arresting poor Roy for murder and, when Roy is refused bail, he gets sent down. Naturally Nina, Carla and Evelyn are distraught and they become even more concerned when Roy declines a prison visit from Nina. 
Bobby decides that the best way to help Roy and to encourage the cops to continue investigating Lauren's disappearance is to fabricate a suspect. His vague description leads Swain to bring Daniel in for questioning (his old coat matches the coat description provided by Bobby).
Now it's up to Carla to decide whether or not to corroborate Bobby's story and, for the sake of Roy, she's thinking of backing up his description of a fictitious suspect.

Over at Barlow Legal Services (slogan: if the office is a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'), Alya is fed up with Adam's unprofessional conduct and lack of respect for her skills so she jumps ship and takes one (or more) of Adam's clients with her. Adam is not pleased (just look at his hair) but Alya seems determined to make the most of her new job.
Oh Stu! Getting a tattoo is not a great idea but getting a tattoo with a spelling error (i.e. Eliza's name) is a worse idea. But Stu is trying to make the best of the situation as he prepares to take Eliza to Germany to be with her Dad and his eurofamily.
Dee Dee seems to be back on speaking terms with Joel and Joel is taken aback when his wife (ex-wife?) asks him to meet his daughter for the first time.

Dylan and Sean are moving into a new apartment and Gary graciously offers them a piece of furniture from his Tat Shop as a housewarming gift. Seems that the two families have reconciled after Liam's bullying ordeal.

Leanne seems to be becoming more and more entwined with Rowan and the "teachings" of The Altovalent Institute (is that connected with the AltoSaxophonevalent Institute?)

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Eileen re: Mary's musk-scented candle gift to Sean:
"You cannot beat the smell of glandular secretions"
(try using Lysol spray)

Daniel to D.S. Swain:
"You like to arrest nice people don't you?"
(it's one of her best things)

Ken to Daniel re: police questioning of innocent people:
"All kindness is viewed with suspicion"

D.S. Swain to Roy:
"You seem to have quite a temper"
(yes, he can be rather forceful when mopping the floor of the caf)
Carla to Bobby:
"You made up a murderer?"
(and it wasn't too hard)
Well, fellow Swain Skeptics, so ends another week. Just to let you know I won't be posting next Sunday as I'll be away due to an important engagement (i.e. skiving). The next blog returns on May 26. Apologies for the inconvenience and have a great week!

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