Saturday, November 2, 2019

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Christmas in October edition

your one-stop update on what happened last week of Canada's Coronation Street...

To channel the immortal Elvis, the two main stories on the Street could be called Jailhouse Rock and Heartbreak Hotel.

Heartbreak Hotel is the continuing decline of Sinead and the efforts of her loved ones. An early Christmas celebration is planned (because Sinead won't live to see another actual Christmas). Kirk's idea is to recreate the event with fake snow, a Tracy-made turkey and paper hats. Daniel thinks it's too much. Sinead is delighted.

However, Daniel, distraught and stressed out, is later spotted snogging Bethany in the ginnel. Ken is the spottee and he's not amused. Plan A is to avoid telling Sinead but this goes out the window when Sinead figures it all out by reading Bethany's notebook.

Long story short: everyone is aghast. Bethany becomes the Scarlet woman and Daniel winds up drunk by the side of the canal. Sinead eventually decides to forgive Daniel.

In terms of Jailhouse Rock, well that's the story over at David's current lodging (Her Majesty's Jail) where a prison riot has broken out. In between inmates chasing the screws and ruining pool tables, David finds himself face to face with fellow inmate Josh (his rapist).  In the ensuing turmoil, Josh is stabbed and left unconscious. Davey didn't do it but the evidence seems to point in his direction and even Shona has her doubts.

Meanwhile Max's grandmother (Callum's Mom) is still in the picture and although she backs off trying to get custody, she still wants to be involved in Max's life.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Daniel is perplexed at Kirk's Xmas preparations:
"It's October" 
(just get a bigger advent calendar)

Sinead doesn't want Daniel to put the kibosh on the unseasonal festivities:
"Please don't cancel Christmas"
(that's the Grinch's job)

Sinead to Bethany re: her makeover:
"I'm not expecting a miracle"
(but we can always hope)

Sinead to Daniel:
"I'm sick of the smell of scented candles"
(Finally! Someone has the guts to say it!)

Sinead longs for a normal life:
"I want Tracy to say horrible things"

Well, Korrie Kleenex Komrades, it's hard to keep a dry eye watching the current storyline. I don't want to get too soppy but let's just say that tears are falling into my G & T. Thanks so much for stopping by. Special thanks for the kind comment from a Guestbook visitor. Have a great week!

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