Saturday, June 20, 2020

Coronation Street Catch Up: the evil little troll edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street... 

Well, it looks like Shona is back but will she be able to save David from his perilous parcours habit? (not unless she remembers who he is).

As it stands, Shona is gradually recovering from her coma and trying to readjust to her life. She's not interested in David but instead opts to visit her son, dear Clayton (the stabber), in jail (whom she doesn't recognize).

However, thanks to Sarah's intervention, Shona reluctantly agrees to visit the House of Platt. It's a frosty encounter with Gail et famille (think Meghan Markle visiting the Queen) and David is consigned to the caf but gets impatient and heads over to the house. Meanwhile, Shona disappears.,

Over at the hospital, a bit of welcome good news for Leanne and Steve as Oliver appears to be better and able to go home. However Leanne is staying overly positive about the future, while Steve is concerned about the ultimate diagnosis of Oliver's illness.

Old Geoff gets a rude awakening when he finds out that Alya and Ryan have changed the locks on the doors to Yasmeen's house. Sally seems to have her doubts about Geoff's innocence. Alya visits Yasmeen in prison but things don't go well and Yasmeen seems racked with guilt for attacking Geoff despite a long list of extenuating circumstances.

Despite his apprehensions, James not only gets a vote of support from his more enlightened teammates but also is named to the starting lineup for an upcoming game. Let's go County!

Oh, and Gemma's video blog gets posted and Ches is proud.

It seems like it was a pretty lean week for lines but here's a few from the week that was:

Gail tries to convince David to stop his habit of outrunning yobs:
"Why don't you come power walking with me and your Gran"
(I think he'd rather get roughed up by pursuing yobs)

David to Gail re: Shona's visit to Clayton:
"They're taking her to see that evil little troll who tried to kill her"
(sounds like a nice little reunion)

Aggie to Edison re: Don the racist:
"I'm proud of the way you handled that dinosaur"
(Don is now an ex T. rex)

Well, confinement cohorts, so ends another week. Not a big week for developments but we did see the return (and disappearance) of Shona. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. Cheers!

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