Saturday, November 21, 2020

Coronation Street Catch Up: the chiminea edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

I don't know about you but I don't trust that Corey lad. After all, didn't he convince Asha to um .. reveal all to him and record it on his phone (even though it wasn't him that posted the video online)? 

Still Asha continues to see him and Dev decides to change tack and be cordial to Corey. Dev also agrees to let Asha and Aadi leave the posh and expensive Oakhill (home to famous alumni like Rosie Webster) and return to Weatherfield High.

Meanwhile, over at the hospital, there's more stress and more aggro. First, Emma tells Steve that the five grand that she donated to Oliver's legal fees came from Scott the criminal. Emma goes to the police and is let off with a fine.

Simon finds the tape recorder belonging to Oliver's hospital case mediator. Leanne listens to the confidential recordings only to deduce that Nick doesn't agree with her desire to keep Oliver alive - despite all medical advice which indicates that the poor lad has zero chance of recovery.

Nick comes clean and is banished from the hospital by Leanne. Over at the courthouse, Steve and Leanne's legal attempt to prolong Oliver's life is not going well. Leanne seeks solace in a legover with Steve. Will Steve oblige or will cooler heads prevail?

Sean is worrying that he's not being a good Dad to Dylan. Michael reluctantly visits Grace in prison and is conflicted by the fact that she says she is pregnant with their child. 

I must say it seems pretty easy to get a job at Underworld. Todd waltzes in and before you can say "knickers", he's become a senior sales associate - much to Paul's chagrin. Meanwhile Billy waits for a decision about the promotion he's applied for (Nina is not optimistic).

In other news, turns out that Deb is something of a snake. She seems to have "history" with handsy Ray Crosby and is now in cahoots with Raymondo as he tries to get his hands on all the houses on Coronation Street. His latest target is Sally's house and, thanks to Deb's cajoling, seems that Sal is interested in selling.

Faye has her heart broken and turns to Craig, This could be the start of a romance (yay Craig).

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Nick to Leanne re: her fight for Oliver:
"It's over and I think deep down you know that"
(hard to accept though)

Ray to Debbie re: buying up all the Coronation Street houses:
"Playing Monopoly's never been so much fun"
(until you go to jail)

Adam to Nina re: overestimating his good looks:
"Here's me thinking I'm a nine out of ten"
(don't flatter yourself. You're no more than an 8.5)

Paul to Sarah re:Todd:
"It's not a crime to hate someone's guts"
(certainly not when it comes to Todd)

Sarah to Paul re: Todd:
"Can you not call him pondlife?
(yes, "aquatic inhabitant" would be more politically correct)

Leanne to Steve in a moment of weakness:
"Take me to bed"
(belay that order!)

Ray to Debbie:
"Blackmail's just a stronger form of persuasion"
(I'm persuaded that you're a blackmailer)

Deb to Sal re: the delicate placement of her chiminea
"You don't want it singeing your dado, do you?" -
(Heaven's no! That sounds painful)

Well, fellow Corriepedians, so ends another week. I want to send out special thanks to Chris for catching the mistake I made in last week's post (and in future posts). You are a scholar and a gentleman and I do very much appreciate all your help and comments. Hope everyone has a great week despite the pandemic fatigue and continuing constraints.  Thanks for stopping by and cheers!

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