Sunday, July 21, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the bust unveiling edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Looks like Steve's theft of the Tommy O. statue is a bit of a.. ahem... "bust".
It all kicked off when Steve discovered that Tim chose to attend the Tommy Orpington bust unveiling extravaganza instead of celebrating Steve's 50th birthday. Ken and Cassie cobbled together a last minute sad surprise party with Rita and Brian but it fails to impress Steve (even with a generous supply of potato chips). 
So Steve and Cassie ditch the so-called party and head to the site of the Tommy O. bust unveiling. Before the guests arrive at the venue, the two master criminals sneak in and replace the statue with a defaced football (a Banksy perhaps?)
Needless to say, the unveiling ceremony was a surprise for the ritzy attendees (plus Sally, Tim and Kirk). Meanwhile Steve had to figure out what to do with the stolen artifact of Weatherfield County's illustrious football history. The brilliant plan? Steve and Tim pretend to be delivery men and return the statue in a flimsy cardboard box to the scene of the crime.  Naturally the statue falls out of the box and the two chumps are caught red-handed (Amazon can rest easy).
Elsewhere, Paul and Gemma finally meet their brother (Kit) but it doesn't happen in the way that Bernie would have wanted.  Kit learns that his adoptive mother has died and that spurs him to want to meet the twins - but on his own terms. He wants Paul and Gemma to hear the story of how Bernie gave him away and rejected him. The twins are aghast at his story and now no one is talking to Bernie. Seems Kit has a lot of pent up anger and just a touch of malice.

Dee Dee's surprise engagement party seems to work well and Joel's parents are happy with news of Joel and Dee Dee's marriage. However Joel continues his surreptitious grooming activities, first trying to tempt Sabrina and then a friend of Sabrina's who just happens to be D. S. Swain's daughter.

Elsewhere, George and Glenda finally reach an agreement and reconcile. Glenda gets the house and George gets the funeral business. Dead easy, right? Maybe that means Glenda and Michael will now get back together?

Amy is stressed because her Mum wants her to take over the flower shop - in addition to Amy's college studies and everything else. Ever helpful, Leanne suggests that Amy watch an Altovalent video (pay per view?). Now Rowan and Leanne want to reel in Amy as a new recruit but Amy is non-committal.

As for Toyah, she is committed to moving out of Nick and Leanne's flat (to avoid post-legvover awkwardness) but a severe abdominal pain leads to a hospital visit and the news that she is pregnant!
Who on earth could be the father? Well, we know it's not Rowan. Any ideas, Nick?

Over at Chez Kev, Abi decides to leave (but not for good) to visit with her kids (whom she gave up for adoption many years ago).

And now for some lines from the week that was:
Sally to Tim re: her new outfit:
"Do you think it's suitable for the bust unveiling?"
(depends on the bust)

Sally to Tim who wants to attend Steve's birthday party instead of the Tommy O ceremony:
"Looks like the stable boy isn't getting lucky tonight?"

Glenda to Michael re: George's reconciliation overtures:
"I've got an undertaker to bury"
(Rest in peace)

Mary to George and Todd re: her experience as a negotiator:
"Mother once fell out with her gynecologist and I had to step in"
(tell me less... please!)
George recounts the history of a curio to Mary:
"I won that in 2006 for best burial of his friend, Mike Baldwin"
(who won second prize?)
Cassie wants to leave Brian and Rita and go with Steve:
"You're not leaving me with the cast of Cocoon"
(an old favourite)

Mary re: Liam and Noel of Oasis:
"Sometimes I just want to bash their heads together"
(take a number)

Cassie to Steve:
"You still love Tommy Orpington, don't you?"
(guilty as charged)

Well, bust buddies, so ends another week. Nice to see some fun and frolic from Steve and Cassie as they steal the head of Tommy O. Elsewhere things are not so rosy for Toyah, Bernie, Kit, Kev, Abi... shall I go on? Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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