Sunday, October 13, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the man school edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Are we sure that Billy's a Reverend?

He certainly doesn't act like one.  Nobody's opinion about Paul's funeral seems to matter except his. He's not keen on Bernie's post-funeral rave (to celebrate Paul's life) but grudgingly accepts it. His grief seems to take precedence over the pain and anguish of everyone else - including Summer who's caught between the wishes of Bernie and Billy.
Meanwhile Bernie is going full tilt on preparations for a rave on the Street. Gemma, Todd and Ches are pulled into the frenetic activity (whether they want to be or not). We can only wait to see how the funeral + rave will work out.
But there's more pressing news afoot.
Over in Turkey, Bethany was supposed to be doing some PR work for a spa/beauty clinic and apparently opted for a liposuction treatment which went horribly wrong. As a result, Daniel gets a call from a Turkish hospital letting him know that Bethany is intensive care with sepsis.
Daniel immediately takes a flight to Turkey but Sarah can't join him (her passport has expired). When Sarah finally joins Daniel at the hospital, she tells Daniel to get lost because she learns he was having a heart-to-heart with Daisy and ignored a number of calls from Bethany.
Bethany finally regains consciousness and is comforted by her Mum but she is horrified to learn that she will need a stoma (permanently) as a result of her botched surgery.  And there's more bad news as they learn that Bethany's health insurance won't cover her hospital bills which continue to increase with every day she's in intensive care. 
Back in Weatherfield, Daniel is angered to learn that David knew Bethany was thinking of having liposuction but did nothing to stop her because David didn't think she was serious.
Speaking of Daniel, it seems that Daisy is still in love with him and she admits as much to him (while he ignores calls from Turkey). Ryan seems to have cottoned on to this reality as he breaks up with Daisy.
More pressing news on the Joel front.
Now that D.S. Swain has finally managed to collect enough evidence to have Joel charged, he goes AWOL and misses his court appearance to enter a plea. This follows a knucklehead move by Ronnie and Ed who decide to take matters into their own hands and end up roughing up Joel. That backfires (as you might expect).  
It's not clear what exactly Joel is up to but he finally shows up (drunk) at the caf and corners Roy (who really should have a panic button in his caf given the number of times he's been threatened/roughed up/intimidated) on his premises).
Betsy and Dylan finally admit that it wasn't Mason who stole the purse from a Speed Dal customer but rather Betsy who framed him. Mason is thus back on the Street (much to the dismay of Gary and Sean) and Stu gives Mason his job back.

Over at the home of Ty and Fiz, the vape 'cat' is finally out of the bag and Hope's vaping habit is  discovered. Ty and Fiz are suitably horrified and take steps to end Hope's vaping habit but it seems that it won't be easy.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sarah to Daniel:
"You're all ego"
(you say that like it's a negative thing)
Debbie to Ronnie (re: his I'll advised roughing up of Joel):
"Did they not teach you about this in man school?"
(I guess he missed that day)
Ryan to Daisy:
"I just think you love Daniel more"

Sean to Daniel re: Daisy & Ryan:
"Splitsville Arizona. Population:Them"
(very poetic)

Carla wonders why Roy is in such a good mood:
"Did they discover a new species of bat or something?"
(a soprano pipistrelle 2.0?)

Daisy talks about her and Ryan's travel dreams:
"A gondola in Venice. A camel in Egypt"
(or a camel in Venice and a gondola in Egypt... she's not fussy)

Well, fellow Street savants, so ends another week. I do hope there's better news for Bethany next week but hopefully there will also be some brighter storylines in the future (one can only hope). Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving!

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