Sunday, October 6, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the third nipple edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
Could the dragnet be closing in on the slimeball (aka Joel)?
At long last, it seems that Dee Dee and D.S. Swain have latched on to some evidence which might lead to Joel's downfall. They manage to trace the delivery of the labour-inducing drug that Joel ordered to kill Lauren's baby. 
Then Dee Dee (wearing a very revealing outfit) puts the screws to Joel's old employer and comes up with a list of witnesses who can testify as to Joel's nefarious activities. And, Swain manages to track down one of Joel's victims (Ellie). Ellie at first refuses to make a statement but is shocked when she sees Lauren's baby in the hospital.
Meanwhile, Betsy finally admits to her Mum (D.S. Swain) that Joel conned her into helping him acquire the labour-inducing drug. Armed with all this new information, Swain arrests Joel.
While all this is going on, Lauren's baby takes a turn for the worse and, on top of that, she gets a visit from social services informing her that baby Frankie will be in foster care (at least for a while) once he leaves hospital.
Over at Ty's place, Alina and Dorin are set to return to Romania except that Ty has taken Alina's passport. When Fiz finds out, she returns the passport and pretends she found it. But, later on, Alina discovers the truth and bars Ty from seeing Dorin.
Debbie offers Bethany a job doing puff pieces for a spa in Turkey. Bethany is not keen but since she doesn't have any other prospects she accepts the gig. Meanwhile, over at the Rovers, Ryan is getting the feeling that Daisy still has feelings for Daniel.

Cassie and Ken are getting ready for an all expenses paid (well, for Cassie, anyway) holiday. At the same time, Tracy has decided to return to Tommy O. in Spain.
And the argy bargy continues over Paul's funeral as Billy is adamant about having a traditional Christian ceremony while Bernie wants something more fun... involving a Subaru.  And finally, Cassie discovers that Hope has been vaping.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:
Tracy wants to help Amy prepare for her date with Aadi:
"Do you want to borrow my leather trousers?"
(only if she's joining Duran Duran)

Steve to Cassie:
"You're taking advantage of an old man to get a free holiday"
(that pretty well sums it up)

Debbie to Bethany re: her trip to Turkey to write PR articles about a spa:
"I wouldn't mind and a few of those treatments myself"
(mud bath ahoy)

Dee Dee to Joel:
"I'm learning to play the banjo"
(while Joel goes down)
Billy to Summer re: Billy's funeral
"Maybe I'm handling this all wrong"
(ya' think?)

Bernie cities proof that someone in the past was a witch:
"She had a third nipple"
(a trifecta!)

Carla to Betsy re: Joel:
"That man is a menace to women"
(no kidding)


Well, fellow Street Sleuths, so ends another week as Swain and Dee Dee try to bring Joel to justice. Maybe this time the charges will stick. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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