Sunday, March 2, 2025

Coronation Street Catch Up: the macho throwback edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...
If they put the Mona Lisa in its own room, they should probably do the same with Abi's artistic oeuvre (and throw away the key).
Not that I'm complaining. 
It's great to see a bit of levity on the Street and the art therapy session with Debbie and Abi was a highlight with Deb's 'portrait' (and I use the term loosely) of Ronnie, and Abi's hilarious depiction of Kev. Let's just say Banksy has nothing to worry about.
Otherwise it was a tense week. Kev has been diagnosed with testicular cancer and doesn't want to burden Abi with his problem as she is dealing with PTSD and is plagued by hallucinations. Fortunately Sally steps in to support Kev at the hospital.
And, while we're at the hospital, we might as well check in on Carla who's waiting for her kidney transplant from Rob. However Rob (who by the way hasn't discovered religion, despite his claims) is only willing to hand over an organ if Lisa Swain can get Rob's prison sentence overturned.
Lisa agrees and Rob acquiesces to the kidney transplant but not before making a recording of D.S. Swain describing the deal which Rob intends use as a guarantee so she keeps up her end of the bargain. One suspects that Lisa may regret doing this.
On the arson front, things have taken a dramatic turn as Max has been identified as the arsonist (with the help of Kevin's CCTV footage). Leanne (who was previously a prime suspect) has been released. David, who was grassed up by brother Nick, is also out of the frame. 
Now the search is on for Max whom Kit wants to arrest. Max is hiding in the builder's yard and the plan is for him to escape to Belize.
Lauren is gutted as is Shona. Meanwhile Dave-O is desperately trying to find the cash to pay back Harvey for the money he stole. He already did a job with ex-con Andy and now he wants to be part of Andy's plan to steal an ATM. 

Bethany is leaving for a job in London but not before leaving Daniel a snarky note. Daniel made a last-ditch effort to reconcile... to no avail.
Dev has gone to India for family reasons and a new family appears to be moving in across from Gemma and Chesney

And finally, a few of the Street residents and friends gathered to pay last respects to Mason at his funeral.
Now for a few lines from the week that was:

Shona to Nick who told the police that David set fire to the Platt house:
"How could you shop your own brother?"
(Easy if it's David)
Tracy to Leanne after finding out about her legover with Steve:
"Keep your legs shut"
(even when walking?)

Amy to Steve re: his leg over with Leanne:
"Please tell me you used protection"
(you mean like a chastity belt?)

Sally to Kev who insists that he can handle his health problem alone:
"You're such a macho throwback"
('macho' and 'throwback' are his middle names)
Bernie to Toyah and Debbie re: her arty years:
"Back in the 90s I got buck naked and covered myself in lilac paint"
(way too much information)

Abi to Kev as they try to cheer up after his diagnosis:
"It's never too early for testicle jokes"
(yes, might as well get the 'ball' rolling)

Bobby playing trivia with Ryan at Carla's bedside:
"What is the world's largest herbivore?"
(whatever it is, it doesn't eat hotpot)

Leanne to Cassie re: Steve:
"He's a weird combination between hopeless romantic and terrified man child"
(so, 'hopeless' and 'terrified'?)

Well fellow cobble colleagues, so ends another week. We see the departure of Bethany and, it seems, the departure of Max. Will he escape justice and make it to Belize? I guess we'll find out. Thanks so much for the pleasure of your company and have a great week.  

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