Saturday, September 11, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the evil cow edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Imran certainly seems to have a lot of problems.

He's trying to build a legal defence for Kelly armed only with a one-man legal team (himself) and a pile of cash from an unnamed donor (Gary). In addition, he's getting aggro from Leanne and others, stressing out Toyah, and going head-to-head with his courtroom opponent and ex-wife, Sabeen.

So far, things aren't going very well as Imran loses his appeal to have the trial delayed (after young Jack disclosed the name of Corey on social media) and the testimony of his expert regarding blood splatter on Kelly's shoes has been disallowed as evidence. 

On top of that, Simon thinks he's helping Kelly by badgering Nina to remember what happened on the night Seb was killed - which could be interpreted as witness tampering. Then, to top it all off, a plea deal is offered which might be the best option available, but would still see Kelly spend several years behind bars. 

Meanwhile, Ty is doing more fancy footwork than Fred Astaire as he tries to keep Alina happy (with engagement bling) while hiding the fact that he was snogging Fiz. Elsewhere, Daisy is continuing her devious ways by playing matchmaker between Ronnie and Jenny which seems to be all for nought as Jenny finds Ronnie and Debbie sharing voluminous quantities of wine.

Over at the undertakers, Todd finds the ashes of serial killer Pat Phelan in George's storeroom. Seems George didn't know what to do with them (I have a few ideas). Meanwhile Maria is on a crusade to reduce car pollution after Liam's asthma attack and joins forces with Sally.

Then there's Grace over at the Bailey's who, after Michael breaks up with her, decides to blackmail Ed and Aggie into letting her live (for free) in the house they just bought as an investment. In exchange for free accommodation, Grace promises not to move away and take baby Glory with her. Michael is not aware of this deal with the devil.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Kev to Ty:
"You did the dirty on Fiz with Alina and now you're doing the dirty on Alina with Fiz"
(sounds crazy when you put it like that)

Ronnie to Daisy:
"Debbie Webster is a very attractive woman"

Alina to Ty:
"My knight in maroon overalls"
(yes, he's a regular garage-based Sir Galahad)

Ronnie to Michael re: his rejection by Jenny:
"I'm pretty sure she gave me the Spanish archer"
(better than the French finger, I would say)

Jenny to Daisy:
"Ronnie asked me out for a meal earlier while I was trying to unblock the toilet"
(go on Jenny, take the plunge-r!)

Sarah to Maria:
"Leave the environmental stuff to people with PhDs not GhDs"
(Good hair days?)

Todd to George after discovering a scary urn:
"Why have you got Pat Phelan's ashes?"
(for old time's sake?)

Grace to Ed Bailey:
"I know you think I'm an evil cow"

Well, fellow Hotpot Honchos, so ends another week. I'm looking forward to the upcoming courtroom scenes, but I'm not optimistic about Imran's chances of success. And that Tommy Orpington should really know better than to sully his football reputation as a character witness for Corey. Oh well. Thanks so much for stopping by. Always a pleasure to have your company here. Have a great week!

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