Saturday, January 22, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Bryan Adams in nappies edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

That damn voucher! Adam books a nice hotel room for New Year's so he and Sarah can have a romantic, baby-making interlude but he makes a few howlers which derail the whole plan. 

First, he still hasn't been honest about his past relationship with the mysterious Lydia. Second, he books the same hotel where he and Carla had their legendary leg over. Third, he reveals that he used a voucher to get a deal on the hotel.

Bottom line: Sarah leaves in a huff and baby making is off the agenda. Adam's half-hearted apologies are later rejected and the couple may even be on the rocks. 

Elsewhere, Abi has it in for Kelly until the two of them wind up at the same drug addiction meeting and both reveal the struggles they've endured which drove each of them to drugs. Afterwards, Abi calls a truce with Kelly and Kelly gets lodging with Gary and Maria, and also gets her job back at the Trim Up North salon.

Emma is still angry with Steve because he left her under the impression that Curtis stole money from Oliver's charity (which he didn't). Emma tries in vain to find Curtis with a view to reconciling, but he's nowhere to be found. Then, while taking Tim to A&E for a wrist injury (don't ask), Emma happens to spot Curtis and they have a nice chat. Although Curtis says he's got a session with a therapist (for his factitious disorder), Emma spots him in cardiology haranguing the staff for his non-existent heart condition. Emma is crestfallen and that seems to signal the end of their relationship.

Faye is taking driving lessons from anyone with a pulse. Now that Craig is no longer the designated instructor, Emma is selected by Tim as a thrifty alternative to a real driving instructor. The lessons continue.

Over at the Rovers, the May-September romance between Jenny and toy-boy Leo continues despite Jenny's reservations. Leo seems completely smitten with his mature, boozer-owning babe and things are moving along.

Fiz wants to buy a house with Phill so they can take their relationship to the next level. There's only one snag. Fiz needs a chunk of cash and that means that Ty will have to sell the house that Jack and Vera gave him. Ty resists until Evelyn has a heart-to-heart with him and convinces Ty to do the right thing for Fiz and the girls.

Tim and Sally make a New Year's resolution to lead healthier lifestyles (what? No more hotpots?). Eileen and George make up after he gives her a funeral for Christmas. And Abi has a New Year's newsflash for Imran: she thinks she's pregnant following their ill-advised one night stand.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Adam explains to Sarah why he booked the same hotel as the one where he had it off with Carla.
"The truth is I had a voucher" 
(was it a two-for-one?)

Sarah asks Adam about his "fleeting" relationship with Lydia:
"Define a fling"
(Should he use a Scottish or English dictionary?)

Peter to Adam re: Ken's many romantic escapades:
"He's had more flings than Eccles' old frisbee"
(I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks)

Sarah is disappointed when her hotel escape with Adam is ruined
"We were supposed to procreate"
(it was on their to-do list)

Sarah is disgusted by Adam's sexual history:
"You are a dog. You need microchipping and neutering"
(better make an appointment with Dr. Gaddas)

Jenny to Daisy re: the age difference between her and Leo:
"Whilst I was slow dancing to Bryan Adams, he was still in nappies" 
(Some of us were slow dancing while Bryan Adams was still in nappies)

Evelyn to Ty re: a sign from a bird that tells him not to sell the house:
"You think that Fiz is going to change her mind because some mystic pigeon's perched on a garden wall?" 
(only if the pigeon is handing out large sums of cash or low-interest mortgages)

Daisy to Sarah re: the romantic proclivities of Daniel and Ken:
"Barlow by name, Barlow by standards. Must be something in the genes"
(or in the jeans)

Well, companionable colleagues, so ends another week. It's an odd New Year's Day on the Street and it all ends with Abi's "maybe-baby" announcement to Imran. That's not going to end well for anyone. Let's hope it's a false alarm. Thanks for the pleasure of your company. Have a great week!

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