Saturday, January 29, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the butler in the buff edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

No need to call in the Line of Duty team or the Law and Order detectives to solve the case of Ted, the deceased pensioner. Emma and Faye were exceedingly generous in leaving behind a plethora of clues.

It starts when the dynamic duo accidentally hit poor old Ted while Faye is learning to drive under the post-inebriated influence of Emma. After getting struck by the car, Ted insists that he's fine, so Emma and Faye take him back to his flat. They return to the flat at a later date only to find Ted expired in his easy chair.  The tepid twosome panic (thinking that they might have been responsible for Ted's demise). They decide to scarper.

Emma is getting more antsy by the minute while Faye has a strong desire not to return to jail. They decide to lie low and hope the police don't track them down. Seems unlikely given the generous evidence available to the police (like, um, Ted's monogrammed crutch found in the trunk of the car Faye was driving). Craig (unaware of Faye and Emma's escapade) seems optimistic that it's only a matter of time before the cops crack the case. 

Speaking of deception, Tim is trying to hide his medical problems from Sally. Aggie spies Tim at the hospital where the cardiologist tells him that his heart problems require bypass surgery. Tim doesn't believe it and doesn't want Sally to know which is causing a rift.

Adam accuses ex-girlfriend Lydia of keying his car which in turn causes Lydia to get a skinful and then lose her job. Apparently Lydia is not to blame for the vandalism and, under pressure from Sarah and Daniel, Adam manages to get Lydia a new job as Carla's personal assistant. So maybe Sarah and Adam's baby-making project is back on track?

Sam seems to be making progress as he is now talking to Nick - via a walkie talkie (next step: a cellphone?) However Nick is not well pleased when Roy easily beats Sam in a chess game and tries to convince Roy to take it easy on the youngster. Roy is not inclined to do so.

Zeedan and Mariam are getting along so well that they're back together and planning to stay in Weatherfield. Great news, right? Not for Alya who doesn't want Mariam around lest she get wise to the truth behind the fire at Speed Daal and the Nazir family's involvement in Hashim's money laundering activities.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Adam to Sarah:
"Is that your ovulation app?" 
(well it's not Angry Birds)

Alya is alarmed that Mariam isn't planning to return to London:
"Won't you miss the London Eye and Big Ben?" 
(not to mention the house prices)

Sally tells Tim she has plans to spice up their sex life:
"I got you a butler in the buff outfit"
(you mean like Jeeves without Sleeves?)

Sally to Tim again:
"I nearly got you a caveman outfit"
(Tarzan like!)

Ted the pensioner to Faye and Emma:
"You've run over my ginger nuts"
(that's the way the cookie crumbles)

Abi tells Imran she doesn't want to publicly reveal their dilemma by going into the corner shop and saying:
"Morning Dev, I'll have one of your finest pregnancy tests, please"
(he carries a wide variety and no supply chain issues)

Emma to Faye re: finding Ted in his chair:
"We've killed him again"
(surely once was enough)

Tim lets Peter know that his medical was not awkward:
"There was no prostate exam"

Well, fellow Coronation Street Crime Stoppers, I think we've solved the case of the deceased pensioner. The question is how long will it take before that generous trail of evidence leads Weatherfield's finest to master criminals Emma and Faye? Whatever happens, let's hope that Faye doesn't wind up in jail (again). Thanks for spending some time here and do have a great week (hopefully with warmer weather). Cheers!

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