Saturday, March 5, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the 'Time for the Prologue' edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

A stove for a birthday present? What was Adam thinking?

Giving Sarah a stove as a gift does seem like a half-baked idea. No wonder she got a little hot under the collar. One might even say she was simmering with rage. Don't count on a bun in this oven anytime soon. (that's quite enough. Get on with it: editor). 

The impersonal kitchen appliance gift was symbolic of the continuing marital discord between Sarah and Adam. However, all that took a back seat to the escalating instances of harassment plaguing Adam. His car window gets smashed, he receives multiple anonymous phone calls and someone precipitates a police raid on his law office. But the most alarming incident is a bouquet of flowers which appears in the flat with a message ("next bouquet will be for your funeral"). Unless Tracy and George are collaborating on a convenient, new funeral pre-planning service, this looks like an ominous warning.

Turns out the culprit is not an aggrieved former client of Adam's (as he thinks) but his ex, Lydia

Speaking of Lydia, seems that her budding romance with Daniel is over. However Daniel and Daisy seem, once again, to be an item - albeit a rather tempestuous twosome. 

Of course, Daniel is still dealing with the fallout from Max's trashing of his flat which led to Daniel pushing Max which, in turn, led to Max tripping over a bag and falling down the stairs. Daniel admits to Daisy that he did push Max and is now racked with guilt (as he lied to police about the details of the incident). As a result, Max may be expelled from school, while Daniel is being offered a permanent job.

Kelly's Mom is back on the scene with bad news. She says she has stomach cancer and Kelly (at first skeptical) is now spending time at her Mum's bedsit, cooking and cleaning. Gary assumes that Kelly's frequent disappearances are because she's out doing drugs. 

Elsewhere, it's Amy's 18th birthday and she's celebrating with a new, secret boyfriend who turns out to be Jacob (former drug dealer and bad guy who lured Simon into illegal activity). Just wait till Steve and Tracy find out.

Nina sabotages Asha's train trip to a University open house and finally realizes she needs professional help to deal with her anxiety (interesting to see Roy interact with Asha and Nina, in contrast with Dev's less subtle approach).

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sarah tells Adam she is not happy with her birthday gift:
"You got me an oven for my birthday?"
(nothing says 'I love you' like a kitchen appliance)

Sarah to Adam after he makes a flip comment which makes things worse:
"You just compared me to a roasting chicken"
(you are the wind beneath his wings)

Daisy criticizes Daniel's pretentious bedroom behaviour:
"What's the matter? Little Daniel not work unless you're quoting Chaucer?"
(Little Daniel? I thought he called it the Canterbury Tail)

Daisy to Daniel again:
"Announcing 'time for the prologue' before foreplay is such a turnoff"
(just wait till he gets to the bibliography)

Rita complements Audrey on her hair styling skills:
"You always do the best bouncy blow ever"
(not sure I want to see that)

Rita to Audrey again:
"Why don't you get your heated wand out"
(not sure I want to see that either)

Audrey to Shona:
"I've got more marbles than you, lady"
(it's not a contest)

Tracy tells Amy it's okay to be a lesbian:
"I love women so much I slept with one"
(what a trailblazer!)

Tracy quizzes Emma about Amy's boyfriend
"Is he really old? Is he in his sixties?" 
(Gulp! I think I need a G&T after that line)

Laura apologizes to Kelly:
"I'm sorry that I tried to exploit you for money"
(No biggie. It could happen to anyone)

Well, fellow Coronation Street compatriots, so ends another week. Guess we'll find out more about Lydia's Fatal Attraction activities next week and, of course, we'll no doubt see the fallout from Amy's romance with bad boy Jacob. Always great to have your company here at the Hip and do have a great week.

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