Sunday, August 21, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the horizontal workout edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Wow! You go away for a week and all hell breaks loose on the Street.

There's Kevin smashing up Stephen's car. Debbie strapped for cash. Ed gets electrocuted. Aaron gets "mugged" (or so he says). Jack gets taunted at school. Phill busts in on Ty & Fiz's therapy session. And we still can't figure out Stephen's accent (trans Atlantic-Italo- Canadian?)

The central story is Kev's meltdown. He's juggling his garage, Jack, the IKEA cot assembly and other preparations for Abi's return with baby Alfie (frankly, the IKEA assembly alone could be enough to push me over the edge... but I digress).

Anyway it all comes to a head when Stephen's fancy motor is not properly repaired and ol' Stevie goes full freak out on Kev because he's going to miss an important meeting (and has yet to discover the existence of cabs). 

Kev goes ape (no disrespect to primates) and smashes up Stephen's car. The police show up and take Kev away and he could be facing charges which might create problems for Abi's custody arrangement. Fortunately, Stevie drops the charges and Kev's in the clear - except that he didn't tell Abi about it.

Over at the Bistro, Debbie's sinking in debt (thanks Ray Crosby!) and saddled with the obligation to pay compensation to Ed after Ed got electrocuted in one of her hotels. Not only that but Bernie is now trying to get some compo for Paul who was apparently traumatized by watching the accident - or so she says.

On the plus side, Debs has a plan to boost revenue with theme nights like Psychic Night and Casino Night. I guess we could see that coming.

Summer has downsized her ambitions from Oxbridge to Carla's personal assistant. Yikes! Is this how Richard Branson started?  However, Summer is still plagued by body issues and is stressed by her upcoming vacation with Aaron

And, speaking of Aaron, there's something going on with him as he is getting strange phone calls, running off at the drop of a hat, and claims his bruises were caused by a mugger.

Stu had an unsuccessful reunion with his daughter but seems to be getting closer to Yasmeen and has an idea for diverting food waste from Street dining places and shops to feed the homeless. Great idea!

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Beth to Carla
"I've been likened to Lady Di a lot"
(I think you mean Camilla) 

Stephen to police re: Kev
"He's out of control. He's a maniac"
(sorry sir, could you repeat that without the accent?)

Debbie's idea for a theme night at the Bistro
"Psychic night"
(I knew she was going to do that) 

Alya to Ryan who's jealous of her budding friendship with a supplier.
"You jumped into bed with a barmaid"
(it was an accident)

Debbie tries to tempt Dev with her theme nights:
"Do you fancy an evening with Madame Sienna?"
(are you kidding? He'll date anyone)

Beth's sleep tip to Sally:
"Horizontal workout just before bed"
(try getting that image of Beth and Kirk out of your head)

Abi is unaware of Kev's misadventures with Stephen's car:
"What charges?"
(criminal damage, illegal possession of a spanner, failure to assemble IKEA furniture - you know, the usual)

Well, loyal lads and lassies, thanks for returning to the Hip (even after I took a week off to skive). Thanks for the pleasure of your company and have a great week.

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