Sunday, August 28, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the less-action-than-the-Dalai Lama edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Call it the Great Lame Robbery.

Part-time DJ, service industry worker, and now criminal mind, Ryan, decides he needs a fresh start and needs some cash to pursue his DJ career in Ibiza.

The ill-advised caper calls for Ryan to steal a large sum of cash from the safe at the Bistro. Debbie initially suggested the idea but then changed her mind. Too late. During Casino Night at the Bistro, the power is switched off, the punters leave and Ryan pops in to steal the cash.

The half-baked heist rapidly falls apart when Craig (and an audience) watch a director's cut of the CCTV footage and clearly identify the perp. Call it 'Flaw and Order'. So, hapless Ryan is arrested and let out on bail. 

Meanwhile Debbie remains silent although Ryan is threatening to spill the beans and implicate Debster. And Leanne and Nick want their money back. Not only that but Ronnie has his suspicions and breaks up with Debs.

The affordable food initiative is launched and Stu gets a lot of credit for his idea (supported by the community including Dev Alahan... with one 'l'). One person who is not too happy is Stu's wife, Lucy, She shows up at Speed Daal to reveal that Stu apparently murdered a young woman. Yasmeen is shocked.

Jenny's beau is acting suspiciously (i.e. wearing a suit in the wee hours of the morning). Daisy is perturbed by the info and thinks Jenny should know that he's up to something.

Tim (thanks to Aggie) has a breakthrough and understands why he is having sexual problems (he's afraid of dying while having a legover). Now rectified, it seems he and Sal are back to their old routine.

George is wasted on Tramadol (due to his toothache) and is unable to conduct a funeral service. Fortunately, his sister, Glenda, shows up and takes control of the situation.

Daniel seems to be at loose ends now that he's not a teacher but he decides to some manual labour for Leo

Over at Ken's house, Ken and Wendy seems to getting quite chummy over a vegetarian lasagna. 

And, over at Kev's, Abi, Alfie, Jack and Kevin seems to be getting along nicely now that Abi has returned and Kev seems to have regained his 'serenity now' after having smashed up Stephen's car.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sally makes Tim recoil with one word:
"Menopause, menopause, menopause"
(like that film, Tora! Tora! Tora!)

Sally to Tim:
"Have you been visiting porn sites?"
(is the Pope Catholic?)

Tim explains his activity to Sally:
"I was testing my equipment"
(think of it as an MOT for his man parts)

Ryan tells Craig he's knows nothing about the Bistro break in:
"I'm clueless"
(that much is true)

Daniel tells Leo his plans for the evening
"Read the paper, cut my toenails, ponder my existence"
(I hope he doesn't get those things mixed up)

Carla to Sally about her sour mood:
"Who peed on your cornflakes this morning?"
(could have been anybody)

Tim confesses his sexual problem to Aggie:
"I get less action than the Dalai Lama"
(..and he's on Tinder)

Well, Corrie colleagues, so ends another week. Nice to see that almost everyone on the Street has appropriate formal wear for a casino night. Looks like Ryan might be facing jail time for his ill-advised robbery caper. Wonder if his Mum or other family members might make an appearance since he's in trouble. I guess we'll find out. Thanks for stopping by here and have a great week.

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