Saturday, September 3, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the New Job in Canada edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Corrie giveth... and then Corrie taketh away.

For a while there, the Great White North was abuzz with the news that Leo was coming to Canada. And, he wanted Jenny to come with him. Imagine the possibilities: on location scenes at the CN Tower, cameos with John Tory and Drake, dining on Beaver Tails (that's enough - ed)

Alas. it is not to be as Leo turned down the job in deference to Jenny's muted enthusiasm for leaving the Rovers Return for the Queen and Beaver (on Elm Street). So it looks like Canada's link to Weatherfield rests on the shoulders of Audrey's son, Stephen.

Speaking of Stevie, seems that something is amiss with the high flying entrepreneur. While organizing an afternoon tea for Audrey, Stephen's credit card is rejected (in front of Shona and Sarah). One wonders why...

One also wonders about Stu. After learning that Stu was behind bars for more than two decades for murder, Yasmeen confronts Stu's ex-wife and demands an explanation. Seems Stu was found guilty of murder after a waitress was found dead. 

Stu admits that he was having an affair with the waitress, but maintains that he was stitched up for a murder he didn't commit. Yasmeen doesn't buy his story and tells Stu to hit the road (he also hits the bottle). 

And what of Ryan? The good-ish news is that Ry didn't get sent down for robbing the Bistro. The bad news is that he's skint and unemployed until Debbie (who has yet to be implicated for her part in the ill-advised pseudo heist) gives him his old job at the Bistro. Nick and Leanne are stupefied when they discover Ryan back at work. 

Toyah is concerned when she learns that Spider has been arrested for his part in a demonstration. She rushes down to the police station to protest his innocence and later is relieved when the cops let him go and he shows up at her flat. How relieved?  Suffice to say that a passionate eco-warrior embrace ensues.

Faye is getting tired of Craig's menopause mithering. George engineers a date between the elusive Laurence and Sean. Glenda and Eileen don't seem to get along that well.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Rita to Ken during lunch:
"There's nothing worse than a cheap tomato"
(an expensive tomato?)

Nick to Leo after Leo orders wine:
"We don't get many calls for the Canadian red"
(at those prices, I'm not surprised)

Jenny to Leo after his big announcement:
"You've got a new job in Canada?"
(Canada, you say? Pity!)

Deb responds to Ryan's nutty plan to make a fake CCTV recording:
"I draw the line at fancy dress"
(since when?)

Yasmeen to Stu:
"I will never be duped by a despicable man again"
(fingers crossed)

Stu gets honest with Yasmeen:
"I'm just an old man with a guitar"
(so... you're Neil Young?)

Steve explains to Tim why he wasn't able to attend past soccer matches.
"I was getting married most Saturdays"
(and divorced on Sundays...)

Tim to Zeedan re: Stu:
"What's the latest with the Littlest Hobo?"
(he's gone to the dogs)


Well, Amigos of Audrey, so ends another week. I'm guessing there will be a search for the truth behind Stu's claim that he was stitched up.  Sad to hear that Leo won't be coming to Canada after all. And what about the cash from the Bistro safe? Sure, Debbie has it. But why hasn't anyone (like the judge, for example) pressed Ryan to find out what he did with the money?  Ah well. Thanks for stopping by and do have a great week.

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