Sunday, October 16, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the swanning around being all Canadian edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

A hired killer can really put a crimp in your engagement party.

That's what Kelly learned after she hired her former kidnapper and accomplished thug, Keiron, to kill Gary Windass shortly before celebrating her engagement to Aadi.

Her decision to knock off Gary follows the disturbing discovery that her Mum did not kill her Dad (as her Mum had said before she died). A little follow-up probing of her Dad's former associate, Sharon, leads Kelly to learn that Gary was the person who killed Rick Neelan.

Being a Neelan, Kelly (egged on by the ghost of Rick Neelan) is bent on revenge and hires the sinister slaphead, Keiron, to do the dirty deed. 

But Kelly has second thoughts and tries, unsuccessfully, to call off the assassination. This while the killers make Gary dig his own grave (it's like having to self-checkout your groceries, only worse).

Anyhoo, somehow Kelly, Gary, Keiron and a fellow thug all end up on the roof of a building. Kelly is teetering on the edge of the building as Keiron points a gun at her and tells her to jump. Gary begs the thugs to kill him instead of Kelly. As Keiron prepares to shoot Kelly, Aadi suddenly appears, jumps in front of the gun and takes a bullet for his fiancĂ©. 

Meanwhile Canada's big chance to shine on the Coronation Street stage is falling flat as Stephen is turning out to be a total embarrassment to the Great White North.

It is now clear that Stevie Blunder is not only a liar but also a conniving Canuck. In his desperate bid to pay back money he took from his wife (ex-wife?) Gabrielle, he surreptitiously tries to have Audrey's house assessed by a realtor only to have his plan dashed. 

Not only that, but Skint Stephen is also obliged to spend the night in a cozy little place we like to call "his car". Leo, who doesn't like Stephen, spies the car-ensconced Canadian. Later on, in the Rovers, Leo shares his damning evidence with the Platt family only to have Stevie spill the beans about his drunken kiss with Jenny. Leo clocks Stephen and storms out of the Rovers leaving Jenny crushed.

But wait, there's more. 

Back at Chez Platt, as Stephen tries to explain away his actions, who should waltz in but Gabrielle. Let's see how Stephen manoeuvres his way out of this. 

Meanwhile there's an anorak situation over at the caf. Seems Nina hired Bernie to clean out Roy's flat and a lot of junk was given away to charity shops including, unfortunately, Hailey's anorak which was a treasured keepsake for Roy.

Evelyn leads the charge to recover the anorak, scouring local charity shops to find the missing garment. She thinks she sees a charity shop worker wearing it, snatches it off her and presents it to Roy only to find out that it's not Hailey's anorak. 

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Nina gives Kelly a bit of advice:
"When in doubt, be more Roy"

Keiron wants to force Kelly to jump off a building:
"Gravity is a wonderful thing"
(that's certainly what Sir Isaac Newton thought)

Stephen assures Gabrielle that he can raise the money he owes her:
"I can be very creative when I need to be"
(by "creative" I believe he means underhanded)

David to Stephen:
"Mr. Pants On Fire"
(and those pants are from the charity shop)

David wonders about Stephen's alleged business activity
"All he does here is just swan around being Canadian"
(that's kinda what we all do over here)

Ghost of Rick Neelan to Kelly:
"He that dies pays all debts"
(someone should mention that to Stephen)

Debbie offers a menu suggestion to Asha and Summer:
"Young folk love a pizza"
(not to mention that Ticky Tok thing)

Kelly calls Keiron to arrange a hit:
"I'll give you 10,000 pounds to kill Gary Windass"
(would you settle for 5,000 pounds and some Bistro gift certificates?)


Well, Corrie compadres, so ends another week and it's quite a dramatic scene on the top of that building. Meanwhile I'm hoping that someone finds Hailey's red anorak as it means so much to Roy. Thanks so much for dropping by. Always delightful to have your company. Have a great week!

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