Saturday, November 14, 2020

Coronation Street Catch Up: the buried in a potato sack edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Look, I'm no expert in crime (although many say this blog should be against the law) but... once you commit a crime, shouldn't you get away as quickly as possible? After all, isn't that why they call it a "getaway" car? 

But not Scott. After holding up the Bistro, Scott hangs around for four episodes. But, to be fair, he has some unfinished business. First, he gives Emma five grand to keep quiet about his bag full of cash, phones and Rolexes. Done. Then he has to confront Johnny and tell him how disappointed he is in him. Done. Then he has to hold Jenny at gunpoint to prevent Johnny from grassing him up to the coppers. Done.

As a result, Johnny comes racing back to save Jenny and Scott winds up lying face-first on the sidewalk outside the Rovers. Bladdered? No. Caught by the cops? Yes.

As for collateral damage, looks like Craig took a bullet but he is released from hospital and seems fine.

Elsewhere, Debbie and Abi are not getting along and Abi is suspicious of Deb's business activity. Deb admits that she is faking and she is actually bankrupt. 

Evelyn and Arthur have reached an impasse due to the revelation that Arthur's wife is still around although in hospital after suffering a stroke. Evelyn seeks solace in Scrabble with Roy.

Seems Alya is very good at tipping her hand to Geoff at every instance. This enables Geoff to outfox her on a regular basis. Most recently, it looks like Geoff has another hapless victim in his sights. Alya is on to him but Geoff outmanoeuvres her once again.

Michael gets a shock when he runs into Grace who says she's pregnant (for real) with their child. What will Michael do?  Sean's son (Dylan) is still visiting and New Todd seems to be helping Dad and son bond.

And now some lines from the week that was:

Evelyn to Roy:
"Only a lunatic's happy all the time"
(sounds crazy)

Debbie tells Kev he needs to stand up to Abi:
"You need to grow a pair"
(that makes two)

Abi tells Kev he needs to stand up to Debbie:
"You need to grow a pair"
(that makes four)

Todd is being very Todd-like as he quizzes George:
"Is it true you can get buried in a potato sack?"
(only after the potatoes have been removed)

Todd to George again:
"I've been planning my own funeral"
(Let me know when. I'll mark the date on my calendar)

Johnny to Jenny re: his chequered past:
"I'm not the man that you think I am"
(what man are you?)

Jenny jumps to conclusions about Johnny's deep secret:
"You're gay!"
(not that there's anything wrong with that)

Evelyn to Dev re: her failed courtship with Arthur:
"This is a platitude free zone"
(all's well that end's well)

Evelyn doesn't want to reveal her vulnerable side:
"I've got a reputation to maintain: battle-axe in chief"
(your secret's safe with us)

Well, Covid colleagues, so ends another week. The saga of Scott is finally over. Never really cared for the chap. So what happens to Emma and the tainted money she got from Scott? Guess we'll find out. Thanks for stopping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Todd's second line when he states he is planning his own funeral, should read "Todd to George".

