Sunday, May 26, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the reality coding edition

 your one-stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Looks like Steve's date was a bit of a bust.

Steve's foray into online dating yielded a possible match named Carol. Carol showed up at the Rovers for her date with Steve but brought her posse with her. Her wingwoman (Aurora) took a shine to Tim (who happened to be in the pub) but Carol was not getting a romantic vibe from poor Steve.

To make matters worse, Sally showed up just as Aurora was tickling Tim (don't ask) and Sal's lips have never been more pursed. End result: Steve struck out and Tim was told (by Sally) to stay away from Steve and his bachelor lifestyle.

Turning to more serious matters, Roy's second bail hearing was unsuccessful and Roy was subsequently hospitalized due to dehydration. While in hospital, Roy told Carla that their friendship was over because Carla lied (as did Bobby) about a fictitious suspect. However Roy did not spill the beans to D.S. Swain.

Roy also seems to be piecing together a memory of a significant conversation between Max and Lauren which could be the key to Lauren's disappearance.

Amy's radio career is off to a great start after she interviews Paul (even though Paul swears on air) and the interview sparks a crowdfunding initiative to help pay for a new locale for the MND support group. This seems to be of interest to Paul's no-good Dad (who looks like a rejected extra from Lord of the Rings) who coincidentally shows up to make amends with Paul. Bernie is suspicious. 

File this under "You've got to be kidding" - Adam seems to be romantically interested in Alya although the two continue to snipe at each other as Alya starts her new job at another law firm.

Over at the Bistro, Nick and Toyah seem to be getting quite chummy, united (perhaps) by a healthy skepticism of Leanne's annoying obsession with Rowan and Altovalent. Meanwhile Leanne is pouring out her secrets (prostitution, arson etc. etc.) to Rowan who is secretly taping their conversation.

Eileen is off to Thailand to tend to Jason and his back injury leaving George to deal with the problem of his Dad's will which actually gave half of the funeral business to Glenda (who is unaware of disposition of the estate). 

Liam is back at school but Maria is worried about him and the state of his mental health.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Rowan to Leanne:
"The first time you upload, it can be a little strange"
(that's certainly been my experience with Google Photos)
Rowan guides Leanne to the location of her inner turmoil:
"Find that cabin. Step inside."
(sounds like my last Airbnb experience)

Rowan comments on Leanne's outpouring of secrets:
"It was a big load"

Rowan to Leanne:
"Try to reality code everyday"
(and do a few pushups too while you're at it)

D.S. Swain's sarcastic response to Carla:
"I've got more innocent people to arrest"
(probably true)

Tim insists that Steve is a catch:
"If I was a woman you'd be top of my list"
(but not Sally's)

Toyah to Nick re: his desire for a big TV:
"Nobody needs 77 inches in their home"
(speak for yourself)
Aurora to Tim:
"You remind me a bit of the Rock"
(but only the skull part)
Well faithful followers, so ends another week and I'm back in the proverbial saddle. Sorry to see that Roy is still in jail but hopefully that will change if and when more evidence comes to light. Thanks for returning to the Hip after my absence and so glad to be back. Have a great week!

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