Sunday, June 2, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the fit as a butcher's dog edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


No progress in the case of Lauren's disappearance, I'm afraid.

There was a faint glimmer of hope when Roy recalled a necklace that Lauren said was a gift from her boyfriend but that clue led nowhere.
Same outcome when the police organized a reconstruction of the crime scene with someone retracing Lauren's movements at the time of her disappearance.
Then there was Daniel's sex worker friend (Nicky) who had a contact who might know something but Bethany crashed Nicky's meeting and the frightened young woman legged it. The reason that Bethany was so antsy is because she saw Nathan (her groomer whom she thought was in jail) during the reconstruction of Lauren's disappearance.
Paul's no-good Dad (and evil Hobbit look-alike) manages to leave Paul alone for an extended period of time during which Paul is in distress and an ambulance has to take him to hospital. Paul is fine but his Dad has disappeared after Bernie caught him stealing Paul's wheelchair.
While Paul is in the Coronation Street Wing of Weatherfield General Hospital, Liam arrives after taking Diazepam pills which he found while rifling through the cupboards at Paul and Billy's flat. Liam is suffering from anxiety attacks and he thought the drug could help. Maria is horrified at this turn of events and vows to spend the money to find a private therapist to help Liam. 
At the same time, Maria manages to use her spy cam to catch Gary and Sarah having a cozy, wine-fuelled tête-à-tête. Maria confronts the chummy couple with her video footage and then tells Gary to sling his hook and leave the flat.

In more positive news, Steve seems to have met a simpatico woman named Demi. Although some might say she could do better. We'll see.
Alya has an ill-timed lip lock with Adam which almost results in the cancellation of her posting to Dublin by her new boss. However Adam (and his hair) save the day by convincing Alya's boss that the kiss was not a big deal (perhaps Adam's lips accidentally bumped into Alya's lips?).
Glenda discovers that half of George's funeral business actually belongs to her (as per a copy of her Dad's will that was recently discovered). Glenda is not pleased by the deception especially since she wants money to fund her growing Little Big Shotz empire. She's off to see a lawyer (well, Adam).
Oh yeah, and Stu is back from Germany

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Maria tells Gary to get on his bike:
"I want you to leave"
(and don't touch my spy camera on your way out)

Sally to Tim:
"You're as fit as a butcher's dog"
(and house trained as well)
Sally to Tim re: Steve:
"No frills Casanova"
(aka reduced-price Romeo)
Alya's comment:
"That man could make Prince Andrew sweat"
(I thought that was medically impossible?)
Well, Kebab Kolleagues, so ends another week. I wish D.S. Swain would accelerate her investigation, find some facts and get Roy out of jail. Hopefully there will be some progress on the case before the end of the hockey playoffs. Thanks so much for stopping by and do have a great week!

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