Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the bully in Hush Puppies edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Nice to see Adam taking the moral high ground - especially after he did a deal with a mobster to get rid of Damon.

From his perch on high moral ground, the Scottish Play-er is happy to lambast Carla and Bobby for telling police about a fictitious shadowy figure leaving Lauren's flat which, in turn, led the cops to focus on Daniel as a suspect.  
Anyhoo, Adam gives the twosome a royal rollicking and freezes them out (as does Ken and the rest of the Barlows).

But all that aside, Roy is now a free man as the police spotlight turns to Nathan the Groomer as the prime suspect in the disappearance (and possibly murder) of Lauren. Coppers found DNA evidence in Nathan's van which leads them to believe he is guilty of murder.

Of course, that could be because Sarah almost planted Lauren's hair band in Nathan's van and maybe some errant fibres were left there. Regardless of the evidence, Nathan is banged up and insisting to his lawyer that he's innocent.

One small problemo though... Nathan's lawyer is Joel whom we now know is the evil fellow behind Lauren's disappearance and also the man who is terrorizing another young woman named Ellie. Joel tries to convince Nathan to plead guilty but Nathan refuses and fires Joel as his lawyer.

Speaking of Joel, seems the evil brief is working overtime to convince Dee Dee to marry him. First there is a sudden (and disastrous) meeting with Joel's hoity-toity parents. As one could perhaps predict, acerbic Mama Joel makes Sally look like Mother Teresa

Soon after, Joel (seeming rather desperate) proposes to Dee Dee. Dee Dee declines but the next day accepts, much to Joel's delight.
Over at the Bistro, Leanne finally returns after her Altovalent retreat to find out that Simon is about to leave to join Peter on the Good Ship Lollipop somewhere on the high seas. Leanne is gobsmacked at the sudden turn of events and upset that she wasn't notified (Nick gave Rowan a message and Rowan insisted that he told someone to tell someone to tell someone to tell Leanne but that never happened. Oops).
The news pushes Leanne and Nick even further apart but not as much as a creepy computer-generated animatronic of Oliver (Leanne's dead son) which Leanne is talking to. Seems that Rowan and his colleagues cooked up this travesty for Leanne.
One person who is determined to take on Altovalent is Toyah but unfortunately her efforts only lead to her being sued by Altovalent's high priced legal team. And, if that wasn't enough, Toyah is arrested by police on suspicion of murder (could it be because Leanne revealed personal details about Toyah to Rowan which were maybe shared with police? - just a guess).
Glenda was thinking of dropping her lawsuit against George but reconsiders after she learns that she could be entitled to more than half the Shuttleworth business. When George receives notice of the legal claim, he blows a gasket - right in front of a customer.

Still recovering from his prison experience, Roy is reluctant to be seen in the company of Sam (because bitter experience tells him it could be viewed as aberrant behaviour). As a result, Roy rebuffs Sam's desire to resume their friendship.

Abi is still trying to figure out who made the deep fake sex video of her and thinks about hiring a private detective to find the culprit. When she overhears Cassie slagging her off, Abi and Kev give her the heave-ho and Ty agrees. Later Ty encourages Cassie to apologize and ask for her job back.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

An annoyed Leanne to Toyah and Nick:
"I'm working from home"
(But you work in a restaurant. Are diners going to be redirected to your flat?)

Toyah to Nick re: Rowan's legal action:
"I'm being sued by a bully in Hush Puppies"
(a stylish Svengali?)

Mrs. Wattling (widow and customer of Shuttleworth) about how she met her late husband:
"Our eyes met over the pressed ham"
(I guess it was a 'meat and greet'?)

Detective Kit to Toyah:
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder"
(care to elaborate?)
Nathan to Joel:
"I didn't do it"
(I think Joel knows that)

Cassie re: Abi's deep fake sex tape:
"Everyone's been ogling your fine china on the internet"
(and she's not talking about the Wedgwood website)
Nick to Leanne who was incommunicado while at the Altovalent retreat:
"You were too busy being mindful"
(more like mind 'full of it')

Sam to Roy:
"What was it like in prison?"
(mostly weightlifting, tattoos and goatees)

Joel's Dad to Dee Dee re: his wife's viper tongue
"My wife means no offence"
(her rudeness is a medical condition)

Joel to Dee Dee:
"I still can't believe that someone like you would want to be with someone like me"
(we're all struggling with that)

Well fellow Altovalent Abstainers, so ends another week as the events surrounding Lauren's disappearance become a little clearer and the guilty party is known to us... but not to the Weatherfield police or Dee Dee.  Looks like Nick and Toyah are being pushed together as Leanne becomes more embroiled in the Altovalent universe. Hmm.
Thanks so much for stopping by and spending time at the Hip. Have a great week!

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