Sunday, June 23, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the pedantic punctuation edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


So, D.S. Swain is human after all.

We discover this important fact after Swain has an impromptu heart-to-heart with Carla and reveals that she is dealing with grief (over a deceased life partner) and a difficult daughter. 

Meanwhile, Swain's colleague (Detective Kit) intercepts Sarah's not-so-smart idea to plant evidence in Nathan's van. Kit stops Sarah, chastises her, and then proceeds to search Nathan's van. Kit finds some USB drives (suspicious) and arrests Nathan. A further analysis of the van reveals some of Lauren's hair which was probably left there during Sarah's ill-advised attempt to plant evidence.

Now Nathan has been charged with the murder of Lauren and Roy has been released from prison, but not before coming perilously close to being attacked by extremist knucklehead Griff as payback from Lauren's father (who's also in jail). In fact, space must be at a premium in the Big House when you consider that Damon and Harvey are also inside.

Before all this happened, Roy told D.S. Swain the truth about Bobby's concocted story about seeing a shadowy figure leaving Lauren's flat. As a result, Bobby is arrested and Carla is given a warning.

Speaking of Carla, she is surprised (not in a good way) to see a photo of Peter (on the S.S. Minnow one presumes) with his arm around a new first mate (so to speak). This puts Carla in a bit of a tailspin as it becomes crystal clear that she and Peter are no longer a couple.

Abi is still perplexed at the source of the deep fake videos of her circulating online. Her scuzzy ex (Dean) is ruled out as he doesn't have the technical smarts to do the deed. Kevin assumes the culprit is Max and shouts the odds at him before being restrained by Abi. Max insists he had nothing to do with the dirty deed.

So, we see that Nathan has been arrested and we conclude that Bethany was right all along about Nathan and his murder of Lauren. Right? Wrong! 

Over at the fundraising car wash for Little Big Shotz, Hope and Ruby are busy washing cars. While washing Joel's car, Hope finds a necklace - exactly like the necklace that Lauren was wearing and which Roy remembered (and sketched) for police.

So it looks like the police have arrested and charged the wrong person for the murder of Lauren.

Stay tuned...

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Dee Dee to Roy re: comparison of texts sent by Roy vs. real person behind Lauren's disappearance: 
"Who'd have thought pedantic punctuation would come back to bite us?"
(Collins (of Collins English Dictionary))?
Sarah to Daniel and Bethany:
"I've done something really stupid"
(You'll have to be more specific) 

Evelyn to Abi and Nina re: knowing about Abi's deep fake videos:
"I've got ears like a Pipistrelle bat"
(she puts the 'Eve" in eavesdropping)
Well, fellow Nathan Naysayers, so ends another week with a big surprise. Next week should be most interesting and, after Edmonton wins the Cup, we'll be able to return to our regular schedule of evening Corrie episodes. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

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