Sunday, June 16, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the elephant's whisper edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

It comes as no surprise that Gary was the one who clobbered Nathan and put the nasty ex-groomer in hospital. 

For a while, David and Daniel were prime suspects but they are cleared after David reveals that he actually witnessed the dirty deed. It also comes as no surprise that Sarah and Gary cook up a harebrained scheme to give 10,000 pounds to Nathan to stay quiet about the assault and get lost (that never works, by the way).

Where did Gary get the cash? Good question. He siphoned off some cash from the sale of the Underworld factory (to Carla). There's only one snag. Maria is already suspicious.

Meanwhile Kevin doesn't want to pay Max a lot of cash for a state-of-the-art website ( However Kev's online research reveals that there's a TV documentary about inmate Corey Brent (who killed Abi's son, Seb) that paints a very sympathetic portrait of Brent as a prison footie team coach.

When Abi finds out, she is livid (particularly with Kev for not telling her) and incensed by the documentary producers for sport washing a killer. At Nina's suggestion, Abi does a video interview with the Weatherfield Gazette to tell her side of the story. All well and good until a lowlife from Abi's past shows up demanding money. Abi says no and later discovers (thanks to Ty) that someone has posted a sex tape of her from her murky past.

Kev is upset and Abi may be leaning towards meeting the lowlife blackmailer to pay him off. 

Paul goes to Weatherfield General to get a feeding tube inserted (he can't swallow food very well anymore). Bernie's long lost biological son (Zodiac, or Kit as he is now known) seems to be hanging around although he insists that he doesn't want anything to do with Bernie.

Mary has a quiet word with Bethany and, as a result, she apologizes to Daniel (for accusing him of assaulting Nathan) and reconciles with Sarah (after accusing her of chasing Gary).

Leanne is away at an Altovalent retreat much to the chagrin of Nick and Toyah. Meanwhile, Simon gets pie-eyed again, throws up in Tim's taxi, and winds up passed out in town. Rowan shows up and convinces Simon to attend the retreat (no charge) but Nick and Leanne contact Simon's Dad and Peter subsequently offers Simon a job. Simon seems happy to have the chance to join his Dad and it looks like he'll accept the offer.

Over at Steve's, Sally is trying to ingratiate herself with Demi (after finding out that Demi is a real estate agent). Sadly, Steve seems to be primarily interested in one-upping Tracy and posting pics of his new girlfriend. Demi twigs to this and dumps Steve.

Thanks to Stu, Roy now has a friend in prison (Roscoe) who seems to be having a positive effect on Roy as he remains behind bars.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Toyah to Leanne re: Leanne's Altovalent quasi-religious fervour:
"Maybe in 2000 years we'll all be worshiping Rowan"
(and wearing our underwear on the outside)

Tim to drunk Simon:
"Can happy hour get any grimmer?"

Gary to Sarah re: his assault of Nathan:
"Some folk would be giving me medal for what I did"
(or a prison sentence)

Sarah to Gary:
"I'm still touched that you care"
(Maria will be touched too)

Paul to Gemma and Bernie the day before he gets his feeding tube:
"This is my last supper"
(and it's not even a hot pot)

Sally tries to impress Steve's girlfriend:
"We live in semi, Demi"
(Demi's about to leave, Steve)

Sally describes the sound of her flush to Demi:
"It's like an elephant's whisper"
(and also like an elephant, it's an experience that you'll never forget)

Gary to Maria re: ten grand to pay off Nathan:
"Maria can never know"
(in other words, she'll definitely find out pronto) 
Abi to Kev re: Corey Brent's prison soccer team
"They should call it Manslaughter United"
(might not be a popular name)

Steve dismisses Tim's assertion that there are plenty of fish in the sea:
"I've just caught a prized Halibut"
(she seems to be the one that got away)

Snobby Sally bangs on about her taste in fine cheese:
"I'm a very big fan of a weepy Stilton"
(she's certainly making me cry)

Well fellow Demi devotees, so ends another week. I hope Abi doesn't do anything stupid but you never know. As for Steve, as long as he remains obsessed with Tommy O. and Tracy, it seems unlikely that he'll have a new relationship. And what about the investigation into Lauren's disappearance? That seems to be stalled while Roy languishes in jail. 
Oh well. Thanks for stopping by and do have a great week.

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