Sunday, June 9, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the taste of Steve McDonald edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

There's something about that Rowan fella... 
Maybe it's because he looks like a member of an evil boy band from the 80s.

Anyway, as Rowan and his Altovalent stooges bring Leanne deeper into their cult-like world, she keeps giving them more money culminating in a bargain-priced two-week retreat (taxes, meals, brainwashing and transportation extra). Reality coding fees not included. No refunds. Ever.
As Leanne gets more embroiled in Altovalent, Toyah gets more strident in her opposition to the cult. Using the Coronation Street search engine (Voggle), she tracks down an outspoken Altovalent critic (and ex-wife of Rowan). However a face-to-face meeting with the ex-wife reveals nothing but positive messages about Rowan. What gives?
Worse, it looks like Simon is being drawn into the Altovalent universe by a "contact" who is offering advice about Simon's startup business plan. Poor old Nick is caught in the middle, reluctant to criticize Leanne for fear of pushing her further into the arms of Altovalent.
Elsewhere, Nathan the Groomer appears to be back on the Street (after serving a prison sentence) much to the horror of Bethany, one of Nathan's victims and traumatised by her awful experience. Bethany is convinced that Nathan is responsible for the disappearance of Lauren and implores the police to do something. However, D.S. Swain is moving the inquiry along at a glacial pace. 

At the same time, Gary, David and Daniel are angered by the re-appearance of Nathan in Weatherfield. Someone subsequently ambushes Nathan and assaults him resulting in Nathan being hospitalized. We don't know who did it but it was likely one of the three unwise men. Bethany believes it was Daniel and she decides to leave his flat because of his violent tendencies.

We discover that Bernie has a son whom she gave up for adoption. She now decides to undertake a search for her long lost child and does, in fact, find him but doesn't know it. The son, Jonathan Green, does know that Bernie is his biological Mum but doesn't let on because he's angry. Oh, and by the way, he's also a police detective working for Swain.

Debbie is urging Kevin to get with the 21st Century and create a website to jump start his sluggish garage business. Kev is skeptical but agrees to let Max have a crack at it (hopefully Max won't use any of his old footage from previous videos).

Glenda remains cheesed off with George for deceiving her about their father's will. George finally agrees to give Glenda a big cheque to support her business plans but Glenda seems intent on revenge and plans to follow through on her plan to seek legal recourse.

Thanks to Tim's cupid-like intervention, Demi has decided to give Steve a second chance even though Steve is incessantly banging on about Tracy and Tommy O

And now for some lines from the week that was:
Debbie to Kev re: his old school way of doing business:
"Have you even got a website?"
(what's a website?)

Tim compares Tommy O. to Steve:
"He's James Bond to your Jimmy Tarbuck"
(The name's Tarbuck, James Tarbuck)

Jonathan Green to Bernie:
"I'm arresting you for being drunk and disorderly"
(Blame Dev for buying her doubles at the Rovers)

Rowan's ex-wife to Toyah:
"Rowan is a good and honest man"
(are we talking about the same Rowan?)

Debbie tells Max that she's hip, unlike Kev:
"I'm more down with the kids" 
(word, bro)

Steve tells Tim why women can't resist him:
"Once you've tasted McDonald, you want some more"
(I think you mean McDonald's, not McDonald)
Glenda tells George she's decided to contest the will:
"Where there's a will there's a way"
(and there is a will)

Bernie confesses the truth to Dev:
"I had another baby: Zodiac"
(she's trying to cover every astrological name)

Rowan has a special guest for Leanne to meet:
"Head of the North West division"
(she probably has a corner office at Altovalent HQ)
George to his work colleague:
"I've got cruel tongue, Todd "
(Wait, your tongue's name is Todd?)

Rowan to Toyah:
"Stop trying to spoil your sister's happiness"
(that's his job)
Well, fellow Altovalentines, so ends another week. Leanne is becoming more immersed in Rowan's strange universe. Bernie thinks her long lost son is dead - but he's not. Bethany is in perpetual fear of Nathan now that he's free and hanging around Weatherfield. And the investigation into Lauren's disappearance continues at a snail's pace (which is an insult to snails). What's next?
Thanks so much for spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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