Sunday, August 18, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the face yoga edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

So Beth wants to make an honest man of Kirk...
At least that's the plan as Beth is saving her money and planning to make a surprise proposal. Kirk (as you might imagine) is unaware but thinks Beth might be planning a getaway rendezvous with an old flame (Marco). 

On a more tense and dramatic note, Paul is struggling and his quality of life is deteriorating. After a last day outside the flat, he is no longer able to use the stairlift and will now be trapped in the flat (unless alternative accommodation is found). Paul tells Billy he's ready to end his life and Billy reluctantly prepares the necessary drugs. But then, suddenly, Chesney shows up with three of the quads (Carys had a fall and was taken to hospital but is okay) and asks Billy and Paul to babysit.

Paul postpones his decision.

Then Summer is dumped (via text message) by her boyfriend (Felix) and Paul again feels that he must be there to show support. So the plan to end his life is put on hold indefinitely.

Meanwhile, Joel is working overtime lying to Dee Dee, trying to keep Lauren under control, and babysitting his daughter - all at the same time. Also, that delivery of a labour inducing drug (which Joel ordered) has arrived and Dee Dee collects it - not knowing what it is.

At the Bistro, Rowan is putting the screws to Nick in order to squeeze 20,000 pounds out of him for a new Altovalent Centre (all that positivity doesn't come cheap). Nick reluctantly agrees since Rowan has incriminating photos of Nick and Toyah

Speaking of Altovalent, Amy is off to a seminar. Hopefully she won't become a new recruit.

Stefan bamboozles Jack and wheedles his way into Kev and Abi's home in order to rifle through the house and retrieve his stolen phone. Jack is upset that he fell for the ruse and sets a fire designed to burn Stefan's car but which spreads to Stefan's office and leaves Stefan in hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.
D.S. Swain is on the job and the prime suspect is Abi. Kev also seems to think that Abi is responsible. Only Abi knows that it was Jack.
And finally, it seems that Ty's former illicit squeeze (Alina Pop) is coming back to Weatherfield to testify at the trial of the human trafficking ring leaders. That's going to be awkward.
And now for some lines from the week that was:

Leanne to Nick re: Rowan:
"He's one of the soundest men I've ever met"
(how many men have you met?)

Beth to Craig:
"I am planning to propose to Kirkie"
(and I suppose Peanut will be the ring bearer?)

Paul's text to Billy:
"The little things in life bring me joy"
(so true)

Kev to Abi:
"I'm a mug and you're a loose cannon"
(a great team)

Bernie explains her facial expressions to Paul:
"It's face yoga"
(Hatha or Bikram?)

Dee Dee to Joel:
"Any child would be blessed to have you as a Dad"
(Maybe Chuckie...)

Debbie to Abi re: her plan to see Stefan:
"Try not to lamp him one"
(Good advice)

Paul to Summer re: her ex-boyfriend:
"I never liked him or his stupid water bottle"
Well, Corrie compadres, so ends another week. The Paul and Billy saga is excellent but very intense and raw. Thanks, as always, for spending time with us here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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