Sunday, September 22, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the waste of oxygen edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


Oh Boy! You know things are bad on Coronation Street when the only bright spot (for a short while) was a few scenes with Paul.

Elsewhere, it's gloom and doom all round.

A distraught Beth turns down a marriage proposal from Kirk and then leaves Kirkie and Weatherfield under duress from crooked copper Kit. Kit wants her gone or else he'll tell the police about Craig's unlawful actions to help former girlfriend Faye. It's a sad moment (with an Emmy-worthy performance by Peanut) during Beth's parting.

More bad news.

Efforts by Tracy and Amy to get her money back from Altovalent fall flat as devious Rowan refuses to return her 40K pounds and enlists Leanne to blackmail Amy (using recorded confessions from her malware session) to prevent her from publicly trashing Altovalent.

Leanne is starting to have doubts about her loyalty to Altovalent as she wants Rowan to give Amy her money back but is thwarted by Rowan's bafflegab. As Leanne searches Rowan's laptop, she discovers files about her and Amy which include damaging (and unauthorized) recordings of their malware sessions (no doubt kept by Rowan for blackmail and extortion purposes). Leanne deletes the insidious files but comes across a folder with a photo of Nick and Toyah in a lip lock. Oh my!

Even more bad news.

D.S. Swain's boss tells Swain to drop the investigation into King Rat Joel. Apparently, there is insufficient evidence to convict him and Joel is left free to roam around the hospital, scare Lauren, hang around Dee Dee's office/flat, and generally cause mayhem as he seeks custody of Lauren's baby and vows revenge on Dee Dee. 

Joel's campaign of vengeance seems to be going quite well as he tells police about Ed's insider trading and gets Dee Dee temporarily removed from her job because Joel's allegations are hurting Adam's law firm. Dee Dee may have found some useful intel on Joel from a former employer but she needs Swain's help to pursue her lead.

If Swain didn't have enough to deal with, her wayward daughter, Betsy, continues to cause trouble by planting a stolen purse in Mason's jacket and getting him fired from his job at Speed Dal. Mason, as you might imagine, is not amused. Neither is Stu who has yet to discover the truth.

Yet more bad news...

Kev and Abi are nervous as they await sentencing for young Jack after he foolishly firebombed Stefan's car. Abi gets a surprise visit from Stefan's wife (Coral) who apologies for her husband and her son.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Leanne assures Nick that Altovalent will try to refund Amy's money:
"Rowan's a man of his word"
(and that word is 'slimy')

Stefan to Kev, Abi and Jack:
"You're just a waste of oxygen"
(as opposed to Stefan who's a source of hot air)

Coral to Abi:
"Stefan was always mean, violent and manipulative"
(and those are his good points)

Abi to Coral:
"Have an uneventful life"
(too late)

Rowan to Leanne:
"One's health is one's wealth"
(Altovalent is certainly wealthy)

Rowan to Leanne:
"We're simply giving Amy a reality check"
(she'd prefer an actual cheque - for 40K)

Toyah to Nick re: Leanne's loyalty to Altovalent:
"If it thinks like a bot and acts like a bot"
(...and doesn't check the box that says: "I'm not a bot"

Amy to Leanne re: Rowan:
"One day he's going to come gunning for you"

Well, Corrie Compadres, so ends another week. Beth has left and Peanut (and Kirk) are sad. Kit continues his many deceptions. Joel continues his reign of terror and revenge. Altovalent continues to blackmail and intimidate all critics. What else can go wrong? I guess we'll find out. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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