Sunday, September 29, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the blue thong is not sexy edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Exit Paul.

We knew it was going to happen eventually but when the time finally came for Paul to end his days, it was no less heartbreaking. 

Unfortunately Paul's condition took a turn for the worse while Bernie, Summer and Kit were taking care of him. Billy? He was off looking for his phone which he lost while getting bladdered with David and Todd the night before.

As Paul was rushed to the hospital, Bernie frantically tried to contact Billy. She finally reached him and Billy rushed over to the hospital (impeded by snarled traffic). As Bernie and Summer were saying their tearful goodbyes to Paul at his hospital bedside, Bernie reached Billy by phone and put the phone near Paul so Billy could say his final goodbyes. 

Afterwards, Billy is racked with guilt at not being there for Paul's final minutes while Bernie and Summer assure him that Paul heard Billy's final words via cell phone (even though that wasn't the case).

Elsewhere Leanne confronts Nick about his infidelity (with her sister). Leanne does it in style - in front of the assembled Platts in the Bistro celebrating Max's birthday.

Leanne decides that she wants Nick to sling his hook while Toyah can remain in the flat. To make matters worse for Nick, Toyah dumps him as she says she loves her sister more than him. 

And then there's poor Sam. He has to deal with all the shouting, frostiness and upheaval. As if he hasn't had enough trauma in his life, he now has to deal with the fact that his Dad slept with Leanne's sister.

As for Leanne, she also feels betrayed by Rowan who was making surreptitious recordings of her and Amy to be used as leverage (i.e. blackmail). Rowan tries to sweet talk Leanne into returning the incriminating files (that she copied from his computer) but Leanne doesn't fall for his bafflegab and calls the police. Leanne really hopes she can get Amy's money back. We'll see...

Speaking of Amy, Ken would love to help her financially but Cassie talks him into holding off and instead suggests that Ken take a nice vacation (with her as a companion caregiver).

Carla has no choice but to confess that she intentionally assaulted a teen thug (who was harassing Roy) by slamming her car door into the thug's bike. Betsy (who saw the incident) told her Mum (D.S. Swain) and so Carla owns up to the crime. Meanwhile Betsy believes that her Mum is embarking on a relationship with Carla (which is not the case... at least so far).

Speaking of Swain, she seems to have found some incriminating evidence on Joel (thanks to a forensic investigation of one of Joel's old cellphones). Swain subsequently enlists Craig's help to track down the address of one of Joel's victims. Of course, all this is being done secretly as Swain's superior has told her to drop the investigation into Joel.

Over at Ty and Fiz's place, everyone is sad because Alina is planning to return to Romania with Dorin. Seems the family has grown attached to the young fella and Ty really wants Alina to stay in Weatherfield. Fiz is not so keen.

Thankfully, young Jack receives a light, non-custodial sentence for setting a fire which damaged  Stefan's car and office. Kev and Abi decide to accept a monetary gift from Stefan's wife (Coral) to pay the fine levied on Jack. One wonders if there might be a hidden agenda behind Coral's generosity.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Tracy to Amy re: Amy's possible romantic link with Aadi:
"You could do a lot worse"
(they make a nice couple)

Rowan to Leanne:
"I'm a victim in all this too"
(sure, and chickens have lips)

D.S. Swain to Carla re: Betsy's accusation:
"She seems to think the we're having some kind of secret affair"
(tell me more...)

Rowan to Leanne:
"You really are a gullible fool, Leanne"
(get ready for a surprise download, Rowan)

Bernie's farewell to Paul:
"Time to reach for the stars"
(adieu Paul)

Leanne makes an announcement to the Platt's:
"Nick's been sleeping with my sister"
(oh, and Happy Birthday to Max)

Gail opines on her family:
"What have I done to deserve such immoral children?"
(just lucky, I guess)

Summer reads Paul's list to Billy:
"Throw out that blue thong, it's not sexy"
(try getting that image out of your head!)

Another gem from Paul's list to Billy:
"Eat more fibre. You know why"
(The tight pants aren't helping either)
Leanne to Shona re: Nick:
"Maybe he should have thought about that before he dropped his y fronts"
(at least it wasn't a blue thong)

Brian to Rita during her performance review:
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years time"
(don't ask)

 Sam to Nick and Leanne:
"The atmosphere in here is frosty"
(that's like saying the North Pole is a bit chilly)

Well, fellow Street Savants, so ends another week. A sad but inevitable ending for Paul and a lot of regrets from Billy who seems to be focusing on himself rather than on the passing of his beloved husband. Perhaps we will see a bit more joy and humour in future story lines. We could certainly use a little levity. Thanks so much for sharing your time here at the Hip. It's lovely to have your company and do have a great week.

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