Friday, January 22, 2010

TGIF Jan 22

spoiler alert: this post makes reference to the Jan 21 episode on CBC

This week's edition of 'Tony Gordon, it's Friday' is brought to you by the Weatherfield Job Centre, 'dedicated to meeting the diverse employment needs of local citizens (except stuntmen and astronauts)'. Well, let's jump right in to this week's TGIF and take a quick look back at some of the memorable lines of the week:

Lisa, an acquaintance of Dev's, explaining why she is drinking alone in the Rovers:
"I know the chardonnay in here is always chilled."
(yeah, they keep it frozen out back next to the smokers' shelter)

Luke explains why he risked his life to go back into the burning flat to rescue Simon's pet:
"I always go back for the 'wabbit' "
(Great, now let's go to the Wovers for a Wum and Coke)

Ken imploring Blanche and Deirdre to admonish him for failing to handle Peter's drinking:
"Please, stick the boot in, one of you?"
(I think a hipwader would be more appropriate under the circumstances...)

Dev, after Tara shows up unexpectedly at his apartment while Lisa's still in his bedroom:
"I just need a few hours just to feel human again"
(Hmm, might take longer than that. How are ya' fixed for next Tuesday?)

Martha in a rage after discovering that Ken has a wife:
"Get off my boat, married man!"
(Time to ship out, Ken)

Martha after finding out that Ken has been weaving a web of deceit:
"So Deirdre thinks you're walking the dog? "
(...rather than being one)

Kirk explains to Julie how he analyzes their relationship:
"It took me and Ches 17 hours to watch the Matrix"
(next time, try pushing the 'play' button)

Ken coming to terms with Martha's angry reaction to the truth:
"...her reaction today was for the best. A bit like amputation"
( remove that chip off your shoulder?)

Kirk philosophically accepting an invitation to accompany Schmeichel to the Red Rec:
"Maybe me and him can chase sticks together."
(good idea but better give Kirk a head start)


Well, Corrie colleagues, that's it for another week. Enjoy tonight's episode and the omnibus and meet me back here for more of the Hip next week. Until then, cheers.

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