Saturday, April 15, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Hand of Plod edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

So let me get this straight...

Sarah gets mad at Adam because Adam has taken on a client who was turning her brother's bistro into a drug den. So, in a fit of anger, she decides to go (by herself) to the hotel which Adam had booked for a romantic night. Then she winds up in a hotel room, getting pie-eyed with... the client who was turning her brother's bistro into a drug den.

To be fair, Sarah didn't know that she was doing the dirty flirty with evil Damon until Adam showed up at the hotel and formal introductions took place in the hotel bar. Er, awkward!

This all happened because of Adam's desperate and ill-advised decision to offer his services to Damon because the law firm is um - what's the accounting term? - oh, yes, "skint". Needless to say, Dee Dee is not keen on taking on a drug dealer is who persona non grata in the Street. And when Nick finds out, he's livid.

Still, given Sarah's dubious history of male companions, it looks like she might actually be attracted to Senor Scumbag (er, I mean Damon). This can't end well.

Speaking of scumbags, Stephen is hard at work lacing Carla's beverages with LSD and finally obliging her to take a leave of absence from Underworld as Peter takes her to a mental health facility. Then, Slimy Stevie uses the opportunity to dupe the workers and take the reins of the factory. When Peter finds out, he is furious because of the disloyalty of the factory workers.

However, although Stephen is comfortably seated on the Underworld throne of power and consuming large quantities of whiskey, there's a slight problem in the person of Rufus who has sussed Stephen's LSD activities and is using this as leverage to blackmail Steve-issimo. Stephen's answer? A surprise hole punch assault (not again!) but Steve-o is thwarted by the sudden appearance of Michael. Phew!

Daisy is forced to ask Tracy to supply flowers for her wedding but Tracy will only do it if she can be a bridesmaid. Psych! Tracy's just joking. But then there's the wedding music to sort out and Glenda is vying for the gig. However Daisy manages to get Ryan to agree to be DJ and is thus saved from Glenda's vocal stylings.

Amy tells Tracy that she wants to move back home. She says it's because she can't afford the rent for the flat but it's really because of Aaron

Billy is keen to have Paul move into his micro-apartment but Paul wants to take things slow. 

Evelyn celebrates a birthday (er, I mean a small, casual gathering for chronological reasons) but is disappointed when Roy is a no-show (he was busy putting out a small fire in Carla's apartment; don't ask). But now Evelyn has other worries as Cerberus is not well. I suspect it has something to do with that baked item which he ate off the floor in Roy's caf). 

Faye finally meets her biological daughter (Miley) and things seem to go well although Faye is nervous. Tim is chuffed.  

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Jenny to Glenda (after Daisy asks Jenny to give her away):
"I had a little cry in the loo before"
(The Rovers loo has that effect on everyone)

Adam to Sarah:
"Damon's a client of mine"
(who else have you got on the books? Satan?)

Carla to Dr. Gaddas:
"I can relax when I'm retired"
(no, you'll be too busy with Pickleball and early bird specials)

Glenda's got a police joke:
Q: What do you get if you cross Craig Tinker and Diego Maradona?
A: The hand of plod

Dee Dee defends her non-billing work to Adam:
"Pro bono is not a dirty word"
(Sonny Bono is)

Stephen to Rufus re: LSD
"Steve Jobs used it"
(that explains the black turtlenecks)

Stephen re: his first aid on Carla's cuts:
"I'm no Florence Nightingale"
(more like Sweeney Todd)

Glenda to Jenny re: Tracy:
"Is she really that bad?"
(how much time do you have?)

Well, Underworld United, so ends another week. Some disturbing developments. Sarah's dubious activities with Damon. Stephen's success in removing Carla from the factory. Most disturbing is the fact that BAFTA-worthy animal actor, Cerberus, seems ill.  I hope it's nothing serious. 

Thanks so much for spending some time at the Hip. Have a great week but be forewarned that the annual NHL playoffs may cause major disruption to the CBC Coronation Street TV schedule for the upcoming weeks. 

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