Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tony Gordon It's Friday: the hair curler fight edition

please note this post makes reference to the October 10 episode on CBC

Damn! the power went off in Montreal during a pivotal episode of Corrie last week and, long story short, I believe I missed one of The Most Important Catfights in Corrie History.  As a result I will be watching Sunday's omnibus carefully to see what I missed and, don't worry Corrie fans, I will be suing Hydro Quebec for emotional damages - and viewing inconvenience - once I figure out the exact translation of Corrie.  On top of that, I'm away from Corrie Central this weekend so TGIF is late. Damn. Ah well, as they say, better late than clever. Or something like that...

Eileen is not impressed by Lloyd's efforts to look smart for his daughter:
"It'll take a lot more than a smart suit to turn you into Richard Branson"
(Yes, you'll also need to repel down the side of the Rovers and grow a goatee)

Lloyd tries to make small talk with his daughter, Jenna:
"I like the newness of new world wines"
(yes, they're so ... new)

Wendy discusses the Bessie Street headmaster with Chairman Ken:
"Brian needs a firm hand"
(He's not the only one)

Wendy again to Chairman Ken:
"I think we can really make difference"
(yeah, but what about the school?")

Ken recounts the story of his life with Deirdre (abbreviated version) to Wendy:
"I had a son with someone else and she met a Moroccan"
(happens all the time)

Kirsty to her Dad:
"You're just an evil bully"
(but sadly it runs in the family)

Deirdre thinks Ken's new job as Chairman is a good idea:
"You've got a heck of a lot to offer and it'll keep you out of trouble"
(well, one out of two isn't bad)

Mary's discloses her winning caption about the two elephants at a river:
"Thank goodness we brought our trunks"
(tsk, tsk or should I say... tusk, tusk)

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's it for another week. My apologies for the late, abbreviated version of TGIF. And, to conclude, just think how many fewer baby kidnappings, illicit afairs and crimes there would be if they eliminated the ginnels on Coronation Street. Just a thought. enjoy the weekend.

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