Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coronation Street 'worst fella' contest: Eileen Grimshaw vs. Liz Macdonald'

please note this post makes reference to the March 19 episode on CBC

It isn't an Olympic sport... yet but it looks like Liz Macdonald and Eileen Grimshaw are having an epic contest to determine who has the worst track record with fellas. While Deirdre tries to play UN peacekeeper, the two feisty senior cougars are locked in combat, each vying for the 'worst fella track record' title.

(Please note: this is just a sampling of their full history with men)
 Let the match begin.

Eileen Grimshaw:

- dated Ernest Bishop's killer, Ed Jackson. (wow, she's off to a great start - ed)
- dated Pat Stanaway, a guy who claimed to be married but in fact was not, just dating 6 other women simultaneously. 
- dated cheesy children's entertainer Jesse Chadwick who moves into Eileen's with a parrot and later makes a pass at Eileen's sister. (Polly wanna breakup - ed)
- dated & married Tony (say no more - ed)
- dated Jerry ('Roll') Morton who owned the kebab shop but he grew tired of Eileen and kebabs (not necessarily in that order - ed)

Liz Macdonald:

- married Big Jim Macdonald (so she did - ed). Oh Boy! Where to begin? Jim beat her and abandoned her at a service station. She had to hitchhike home  Eventually she took out a restraining order on him.
- dated a vicious criminal named Fraser Henderson whom she met while visiting Jim in prison. (Think of it as a sort of for inmates - ed) 
- dated a skiver drummer named Vernon Tomlin. Almost marries Vernon but Jim intervenes and beats Vernon to a pulp. (the beat goes on - ed)
- dates Jim again after Jim is released from prison. To prove his love, Jim robs a bank, assaults a hapless security guard and takes hostages (next time try a box of chocs and flowers - ed)

...I think Liz wins. 

1 comment:

  1. Let's not forget Eileen's latest beau, Paul the firemen. A package deal she got with him and after enduring Leslie's illness and death it was the simple fact he was a dedicated fireman first and a husband second that did them in.
