Saturday, October 18, 2014

Coronation Street TGIF: the 21 minute and 12 second edition

please note this post makes reference to the October 17 episode on CBC

Well, I didn't see this coming. After doing the Viagra shuffle in the doctor's office, Steve reveals signs of depression. Meanwhile, Mommy Liz has had a bust up with Tony because she lied about visiting Jim in prison, so she did. (Sorry, I couldn't resist). Norris and Emily join the Nazir family for the Eid banquet but Leanne is excluded thanks to the disapproving young Zeedan.  Gary and Alya's romance is on again, off again. Deirdre loses it and hurls a trifle at the wall (and it was runny too, that'll leave a mark). Everyone is on edge because of Peter's trial. Carla doesn't want to talk to Peter. Beth and Kirk have to cut wedding costs (what? no harp?)

How about a few lines from the week that was:

Norris to Emily re:Yasmeen's Eid dinner:
"We better stock up on antacid tablets just in case"
(yes, a gift-wrapped packet of Tums makes a thoughtful gift for the hostess)

Liz to Tony:
"I don't do ultimatums"
(Purple jump suits, yes. Ultimatums, no)

Yasmeen tells Kal to pass along some of her Eid delicacies:
"Make sure Leanne tries the tagine"
(and be sure to tell her that it's a delicious slow cooked stew)

Kirk tells Chesney that a lack of sleep is no problem:
"Margaret Thatcher only slept 2 hours a night"
(the lady's not for snoring)

Rob breaks some news to Tracy about the wedding:
"I've asked Carla to be my best man"
(should make for an interesting stag night)

Steff looks at the circled moles on Steve's arms:
"Looks like you had a fight with a felt tip pen"
(and the pen won)

Ken shares the good news with Peter:
"They can prove you're an alcoholic, a bigamist, an adulterer - but you're not a murderer"
(I guess one out of four isn't bad)

Deirdre is exhausted, stressed and angry about her ill-formed trifle:
"Jelly shouldn't run, it should wobble!"
(Wobble, damn you!)

Steve reveals to the doctor his best time for an airport run:
"21 minutes and 12 seconds"
(a bit longer if he stops for red lights)

Beth reminds Sinead of her dubious artistic creations:
"That Lionel Richie glove puppet made with ties"
(she worked on that 'all night long')

Kirk assures Beth that any wedding gown is okay with him:
"You'd look gorgeous dressed in a bin bag"
(also makes for easy disposal after the wedding)

Well, my Corrie compatriots, so ends another week on the Street. Get ready for Peter's trial. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. So Steve can get you to the airport in the same time it takes to watch an episode?! There's a comparison of best use of time in there somewhere, factoring in red lights vs. ad breaks.
