Saturday, September 1, 2018

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Duncan Donuts edition

your one-stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

More bad news for Sally Metcalfe (her ciabatta hors d'oeuvres are soggy?)

A mysterious cellphone is discovered in her gutter. Gina tries to hide it (the phone not the gutter) but the police arrive and Evil Duncan seems to have framed Sal so well that even Tim is having doubts about Sally's claim that she never had an affair with Dunc.

Jenny is determined to spruce up the Rovers now that she and Johnny are running the joint. Carla reluctantly accepts Peter's investment cash so she can buy Underworld but then ol' Pete decides he wants a job at the factory (smoke break supervisor?)

Sean continues to hide the fact that he's homeless even when he runs into Rev Billy at the Soup Truck. Billy goes to the hospital to see Josh who's blind and holds Billy responsible.

In the 'you can't keep a good (con) man down' department, Audrey visits Lewis in prison. He insists that he's making amends, paying back Gail for money he ripped off and now wanting Audrey to go out - when he gets out.

Gail is working for Gary. Leanne is working for Imran. Although Gail and Gary didn't have it off beforehand (unlike Leanne and Imran).

Speaking of Imran, his Dad died. He and Rana are very upset. Rana even more so because she lied about her relationship with Kate in order to be allowed to see her Dad before he passed away and is now keeping up the charade as the family mourns, and now her Mom wants to move back home.

Now for a few lines from the week that was:

Audrey to Claudia re: Lewis
"He even looks dapper in a prison uniform"
(a three-piece jumpsuit?)

Leanne to Imran regrading their legover:
"The interview did take an unusual turn"
(i.e. more LinkedUp than LinkedIn)

Audrey to Gail:
"I've won a cruise around the Norwegian fjords"
(l hear it's lovely in the dead of Winter)

Carla to the factory girls:
"Who'd have thought I'd be running my favorite knicker factory again"
(Not me)

Well Corrie Comrades, so ends another week with Sally's predicament getting worse and Sean's predicament also getting worse. I fear that Jude and Angie will not settle their differences even with the dubious intervention of Mary. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

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