Saturday, June 1, 2019

Coronation Street Catch Up: the knickers as ankle warmers edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Just a regular week on the Street.

Steve's cab is hijacked by a psychopathic armed robber with a knife. Carla is finally found and taken to hospital. Roy calls Peter who leaves rehab to see her, which angers Ken. Roy lets Peter and Carla stay at his flat but Carla doesn't trust Roy, so Roy winds up staying with Ken.

Streetcars is in financial trouble but apps are expensive so how they can possibly compete in the world of Uber, especially when Tim is busy doing yoga and Steve is slouched in a chair eating biscuits all day or being being terrorized by a psycho?

Seb is perplexed by Alina's mercurial ways and the fact that she seems fearful of her boss. Adam is back on the Street for reasons which seem unclear.

Nick doesn't want to hand over the financial accounts for Trim Up North, lest the coppers discover where the money for the shop came from (i.e. Audrey's bank account). Seems like the Tilsey/Platt brothers are starting to panic.

Still on the topic of barbers and panic, Natalie finally convinces David to let her do some real hair styling, starting with an unsuspecting hipster and his substantial beard. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Kirkie's musical gifts are discovered by an agent during the Rovers Talent Night and he's chuffed until Beth reveals that the agent is looking for comedy acts - but ultimately Kirk decides to forge ahead anyway. His lyrical insights into kicker packing and other human foibles demand a wider audience.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Liz walks in on Tim while doing some exercises:
"Were you doing yoga?"

Immortal Lennon-McCartneyesque lyrics of Kirk's songs:
"You soul, my soul, our soul"
"Your puppies make my blood hound"
"That's why we pack knickers" 

(Ed Sheeran, eat your heart out)

Geoff tells a magician anecdote to Emma:
"and the ferret came out the bottom of my trouser leg"
(I hope he's still talking about magic)

Evelyn chastises Beth for not appreciating her painting:
"It's abstract cubism, you philistine"
(one might say: Oh Pollocks)

Tracy insults Liz:
"That's rich coming from someone who uses her knickers as ankle warmers"
(I hear it's quite fashionable in some countries)

Tracy berates Steve on his lack of cojones:
"How you managed to knock up half the street is beyond me"
(Bionic sperm, I believe) 

Well, Would-be Weatherfielders, so ends another week. Poor old Roy. Not even welcome in his own home. Nice to see Adam back. That certainly ups the beefcake factor on the Street, if nothing else. Thanks so much for the pleasure of your company and have a great week.

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