Sunday, December 12, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the "Miss Charisma on Legs" edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

What the.... ???!!  Roy is leaving Coronation Street to work as a chef in South America?

Un momento, por favor.

Seems that el Cropper is stricken with guilt over the gun that Abi procured (intending to kill Corey) but which subsequently fell into the hands of Harvey who used the weapon to kill Natasha. Roy is put into the difficult situation of denying any knowledge of the gun in order to protect Abi. Abi's ex eventually takes the fall for the stolen weapon but Roy is in turmoil. He decides to sign over all his assets (surely not the Woody? Yes, even the Woody) to Nina and leaves in a taxi.

Elsewhere Kelly is still on the Street. She gets help from Stu (fellow homeless person), but falls out with him and remains in dire straits. Meanwhile Imran learns that Kelly is not staying with her no-good Mom, Laura, (as he was led to believe) and he redoubles his efforts to find her.

Thanks to Debbie's gutsy gambit, Ray Crosby has admitted to sexual assault of Faye which means that Faye can get out of prison on bail. She's glad to be back home but still traumatized by her experience. A short stint back at the Bistro turns out to be too much too soon. No worries though as Tim manages to wangle a job at Underworld for Faye.

Sally convinces Maria to be her assistant (sidekick?) for her Weatherfield Council election campaign.

Max continues to be very Plattlike. He makes a tasteless shock documentary about the killing of Natasha which he posts on the internet much to the horror of everyone. He eventually removes it and Daniel believes that, despite the horrific subject matter, Max shows promise as a filmmaker.

Speaking of Daniel, he seems to be continuing his secret romance with Daisy while Summer seems to have even more of a crush on him (although Daniel is unaware).

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Laura brags to Imran about her past accomplishments at Butlin's holiday camp:
"I won 'Miss Charisma on Legs'"
(It's on her resume)

Sally makes Maria an offer:
"You could be my trusty sidekick"
(first job: clean the conservatory)

Maria parses Sally's offer:
"Basically I'd be your mascot"
(in a skimpy costume)

Daisy to Daniel:
"Modesty is overrated"
(unless you brag about it)

Debbie to Ray Crosby in jail:
"Trying to kill your business partner really puts a damper on the working relationship"
(at least, that's what all the best-selling business books say)

Debbie to Ray (again):
"You paid him to put a sinkhole in the Platts' back garden"
(Ray prefers to call it "complimentary landscaping")

David tells Daniel that, based on his own experience, Max will be fine:
"I turned out alright"

Well, fellow Cropper connoisseurs, so ends another week and we face the disturbing prospect of Roy leaving the Street. One would hope that this is just a temporary sabbatical and that his Royness will be back making full Englishes in the fullness of time. At least, one can hope. Thanks so much for stopping by and spending time at  the Hip. Love the pleasure of your company. Have a great week!


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