Sunday, December 26, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Weatherfield High Ice Baller's edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Is it going to be a Merry Christmas on Coronation Street?

Consider the current events. Speed Daal was torched. Daniel is fending off accusations of sexual impropriety with a student. Phil's obnoxious Mum (Mimi) is moving to Weatherfield, Grace is selling her baby..

Let's drill down. Over at Speed Daal, Zeedan's entanglement with his ex father-in-law (and cartoon villain) Hashim has escalated to the point where the only way for Zeedan to settle his debts is by letting Hashim's henchmen set fire to the family restaurant and cashing in on the insurance claim.

Unfortunately the fire starts while poor old Stu is in Speed Daal proving his chef prowess in order to perhaps snag a job at the Michelin star-less resto. Stu is rescued from the burning resto and taken to hospital where Yasmeen confronts him, assuming that he accidentally started the fire and accusing him of failing to take responsibility.

If that wasn't enough to take the edge off the Xmas season, along comes troublemaking Max to announce to Weatherfield High (during the Ice Ball dance) that Daniel Osborne is sleeping with Summer. Yikes! The serious accusation results in Daniel being hauled down to the police station.

Back at Fiz's house, the tyrannical reign of Phil's Mum has just begun. How to describe Mimi? Supercilious? Snobbish? Condescending? Rude? Yes, that'll do it.

Fiz tries to be patient with the overbearing ogre (with the help of copious servings of mulled wine). After the custom cake arrives for Phil's grand birthday bash, Mimi announces that she is moving to Weatherfield with her small dog (just wait till Evelyn and Cerberus find out).

Meanwhile Aggie is horrified to discover that Grace has been neglecting granddaughter Glory (by leaving her unattended at home). Aggie and Ed decide to act by taking charge of the situation which leads to Grace giving up her baby in return for 20 thousand pounds. Of course, nobody bothers to tell Michael who is shocked to discover that Grace has left and pleads with her to come back - to no avail.

And, just to round out the spirit of Christmas, Curtis continues to pile lie upon lie in his effort to hide the truth about his non-existent heart condition from Emma and everyone. This despite pleas from his Dad (BTW, why is Dad wearing eyeliner? Did he just get back from an Alice Cooper concert?). 

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Debbie to Fiz re: Mimi's flammable birthday gown:
"She'll go up like Hindenburg in that dress"
(oh the humanity!)

Mimi makes a grand announcement at Phil's birthday party:
"I'm moving to Weatherfield. The Dream Team's getting back together!"
(more like the Nightmare before Christmas)

Aggie to Grace:
"You're selling your own child?"
(When you put it like that, it sounds bad)

Phil's Mum to Fiz re: her job at Underworld:
"What sort of couture do you specialize in?"
(les knickers pas chers)

Mimi to Fiz re: party entertainment:
"What do we think of a violinist?"
(we're not keen)

Amy describes Daniel and Daisy as a mismatch:
"The beauty and the geek"
(now available on the Disney Channel)

Mimi to Sally on home decor:
"I have quail's egg stone in my bathroom"
(you have to tiptoe around the yolks when you pee)

Fiz to Ty about Mimi's exasperating behaviour:
"Lady Penelope's doing my head in"
(Alert Thunderbirds to deal with her)


Well festive followers, so ends another week on Coronation Street. As we trudge through another pandemic Christmas, I do hope you are staying well and taking in some of the Coronation Street specials airing on CBC TV. Thanks so much for taking time out of your holiday activities to visit us here at the Hip. Merry Christmas (in Canada) and Happy Christmas (in the UK). Cheers!

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