Saturday, January 1, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Lilibet the 4th edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

He came, he extorted, he expired. 

So ends the short reign of terror of Hashim, ex-father-in-law to Zeedan and cartoon-like bad guy who forced Zee to launder stolen money and employed arson as a business strategy to burn down Street Daal and collect the insurance money.

However the erstwhile master criminal suffered an unfortunate heart attack while threatening Zeedan and dropped dead. Exit Hashim. 

What to do now? 

Well, Alya cooks up an explanation and she, Zee and Ryan stick to the story (i.e. Hashim was exacting revenge on Zee for cheating on Mrs. Zee who happens to be Hashim's daughter). The story conveniently omits the bit about the money laundering and, so far so good. The insurance claim seems to be approved but wait... Zee's wife shows up unexpectedly, upset by the demise of Daddy Hashim. One wonders if the flimsy fake story that Alya concocted will hold up. Even Alya is having doubts...

Elsewhere, there is a bit of a debate as to whether Steve and Tracy's savings should go towards an extravagant, five-bridesmaids wedding for Emma, or towards Amy's pricey London education. A compromise seems to be in the works. 

But wait (again)! There are finally some cracks developing in Curtis' ongoing deception regarding his fictional heart condition. When Ruby accidentally takes one of Curtis' heart pills, Emma rushes the child to the hospital only to discover that these pills are actually multi-vitamins.

What's going on?

Curtis says that the multivitamins are all part of an alternative treatment regime since traditional medicine is unable to help with his serious (yet fictional) heart disease. Will Emma fall for this desperate deception?

Over at Underworld, a somewhat fabricated rift develops between Sarah and Adam, ostensibly due to Adam's rather.. um.. "robust" history of sexual partners. 

Some good news for Daniel. The police investigation into his liaison with Summer has been dropped and he has been reinstated at school. However the lingering damage of Max's allegations hangs over him and has propelled Summer into a fragile emotional state and the beginning of a possible eating disorder.

Sally is in full pretentious mode as she embarks upon her quest for a council seat and treats Maria as a hapless lackey. Over at Chez Fiz, Phill is moving out and back to his place. As for Mimi (aka Beryl), she is dispatched back to wherever she came from. Seems she's not welcome in Weatherfield and Phill apologizes to Fiz for not being more supportive.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Summer to Billy re: her outfit:
"I look like a tablecloth"
(but a nice tablecloth)

Sally to a reporter regarding Maria's lack of knowledge:
"She probably thinks MP stands for Maxi Perm or something"
(ooh, that's a low blow...dry)

Curtis to Emma:
"All you need to know is that I am dying"
( buy some more multivitamins)

Adam provides details to Sarah about his sexual history:
"I stopped counting once I hit 20"
(That's 20 years! I guess his abacus couldn't go any higher)

Mary apologizes for being snippy with Maria:
"I've been up all night with the Chestnut Man"
(too much information).

Rev, Billy to Daniel and Paul:
"I am going to go and christen Lilibet the 4th"
(God save the Queen)

Tracy chides Steve for over-reacting to the price of Amy's education:
"Chill out Steve, you minge bag"
(poor minge bag, er, I mean Steve)

Ty reads Mimi the riot act:
"Move to Weatherfield at your peril, Beryl"
(Ty is quite the rapper)

Well, fellow Street savants, so ends another week and another year. Let's hope for better days ahead and some good Corrie storylines to keep us entertained and distracted. Thanks so much for your kind company during the past year and all the best to you and your loved ones for 2022. Cheers!

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