Monday, November 14, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the lucky knickers edition

 your one-stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Sorry for the delay. It took me a while to recover from the news that Summer is pregnant.

As Rev. Billy said, it seemed like only ten minutes ago, she was taking her exams and poised to become a star student at Cambridge. Now it seems she is part of the Coronation Street young Moms club (it's a vast and distinguished group).

Summer shares the news with Aaron who is supportive.

Meanwhile the Dad Trifecta (Billy, Paul & Todd) is revving up their mithering machine and suffocating Summer with their collective concern. But then there's that new couple that popped on the scene like a Deus & Dea Ex Machina. What's their names? Ingrid & Ike? Esther & Mike?  Something like that.

Anyhoo, the couple want dibs on Summer's baby since they can't have one of their own (stop me if you've heard this storyline before).

Nuff said. Turning to other developments. Poor Bernie has been framed by her nasty doppelganger (Fern) who has pulled off a big heist and left a lot of evidence implicating Bernie. Bernie is arrested. She insists that she's innocent and pleads her case to the police but they don't believe her. It seems like a far fetched story, even to her family and friends.

Sally's snit grows bigger as she discovers the level of friendship between Tim and Aggie and the fact that Aggie helped Tim select Sally's anniversary gift. 

Sam seems determined to visit his Mom's killer in jail to find out why he did what he did. Nick is firmly against the idea and Leanne even visits Harvey in jail to warn him off causing any more trouble. But Harvey just wants Sam to stop writing letters to him as he believes this would seriously damage his 'hard man' cred in the Big House.

Finally, it's Audrey to the rescue as she has a few quiet words with Sam and seems to convince the young lad not to pursue the idea of visiting Harvey in jail. 

Elsewhere, Daniel asks Daisy to move in with him (then she walks in on Paul in his birthday suit - could be a deal breaker). Audrey tries to reunite Stephen and Gabrielle (good luck with that). 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Gemma to Bernie who expects some good fortune to come her way:
"You've got your lucky knickers on?"

Deb wonders why Leanne is on pins and needles:
"You're like a nettled hen"
(don't say anything; you need the eggs)

Bernie to Ryan re: vintage clothing:
"Don't diss the tie dye, ry"

Sally makes a sarcastic remark to Aggie:
"There she is: the wise woman of Weatherfield"
(That's Ms. Wise Woman of Weatherfield)

Esther makes a constructive critique of the Rovers cuisine:
"I thought the hot pot was over relying on celery"
(er, that's not celery...)

Stephen quotes Wayne Gretzky to Jenny who's been Googling Canada:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
(how dare Stephen take the name of our Wayne in vain (vayne?))

Noted child psychologist/ killer Harvey Gaskell offers advice to Leanne to pass on to Sam
"Your Mom's dead. Move on"
(thanks for the insightful and sensitive advice) 

Well, patient punters, so ends (and begins) another week. Sorry for being a skiver and thanks for sticking around for the feeble ramblings. Lovely to have you stop by. Have a great week.

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