Saturday, November 19, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the cheapest airfare ro Canada edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

A vanilla slice, a cellphone flashlight and Gail's ringtone. Sounds like heaven to me.

At least that's what Eileen thinks after she bumps into Gail, slips on pumpkin mush and falls on the pavement. A quick trip to the hospital reveals a mild concussion but Eileen believes she's had a celestial experience and transforms her personality into a Mother Teresa-ish beacon of niceness.

George, Sean and Todd are perplexed and alarmed at the new kinder, gentler Eileen. What to do?

Elsewhere, Stephen is keeping busy sending texts from Leo's phone alleging that Leo's Dad and Jenny are having it off while Leo's in Canada. Then another faux text saying Leo's going off the grid on a wilderness hike for two months (so, no way to contact him - although let's bear in mind that he's actually been murdered by Stephen).

If phony telephony wasn't enough for the Kanadian Killer, Stephen is also working hard to defraud his Mom by secretly using his Power of Attorney to get a reverse home mortgage on Audrey's house (thanks Kurt Browning).

So, with the ill-gotten cash, Stevie can pay back the money he took from his ex-wife and have a little left over for himself. 

There's only one small snag. 

Audrey has announced that she wants to do a reverse mortgage herself so she and Sam can go to Canada to watch the Northern Lights (not the Leafs?) Stevie quickly offers to pay for the trip himself (in order to cover his tracks).

Daniel and Daisy decide to move in together in the house that Daniel owns. Daisy gets cold feet about the move especially since it's the anniversary of Sinead's death and she is also taken aback when young Bertie calls her "Mummy". However, all is soon resolved and the couple leave the flat to Paul and his new roommate, Dee Dee.

That obnoxious fella Griff is at it again, inviting Peter and Spider to some kind of mystery event with a mystery band. Peter agrees to go (lying to Carla about it) but is quickly repulsed by the crowd's racist songs, decides to leave and gets into a confrontation with one of Griff's goons.

Summer has decided to have an abortion and Rev. Billy tries to be supportive but can't hide his misgivings. It falls to Todd to have chat with Summer and then Billy to get them both on the same page. Finally, Billy gives Summer his unqualified support.

Elsewhere, Ty takes a Taekwondo class and gets knocked over by Joseph. Awkward. 

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Griff to Spider after Spider declines his invitation to the mystery gig:
"You're all mouth, no trousers"
(whereas Griff appears to be just 'all mouth')

Ty tells Fiz what's bothering him about his Taekwondo lesson:
"I was taken out by a ten-year old"
(could have been worse... could have been one of the quads)

Carla to Peter, Griff and Spider:
"Here they are, the Three Stooges"
(that's an insult to the Three Stooges)

Gail explains to Eileen why she bumped into her:
"I was doing me Italian"
(not in public, please!)

Leo's Dad to unctuous, nosy Stephen.
"The only useful advice you can give me is the cheapest airfare to Canada"
(According to Stephen, there are no flights to Canada. You have to take a canoe)

Sean to Doctor re: George
"He's a funeral director, as you can see, not a mass murderer"
(Sorry, I'll need to see more proof)

Stephen to Gabriella re: his pricey footwear:
"These shoes cost more than Gail's entire wardrobe"
(but you bought your suit from a charity shop)

Gail to Stephen after he says he's thinking of leaving:
"You're going back to Canada?"

Eileen to George on her new Zen personality.
"I think I caught a glimpse of heaven"
(that was the vanilla slice)
Well, fellow Street Savants, so ends another week. That Stephen is giving Canada a bad name. When will someone twig to his trail of murder and devastation. Where's Scott & Bailey when you need them? Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

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