Sunday, January 1, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the fun sponge edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Sorry for the delay. My search engine wasn't working and I had to call the Voggle help desk.

Ba dum! 

Actually, it's Gail who's doing a little research on Voggle to find out what Stephen is up to. As we know, Stephen is up to no good. More specifically, he's desperate for cash and resorts to delivering food on a moped (it ends badly). 

No problemo for Steve-o though as he now has poor Elaine in his sights. Elaine, flush with cash after the sale of her house, is taken in by Stephen's mega-lies and gives him 12,000 pounds to invest in Sarah's new startup business. What will he do next? (oh, and he kicked a garden gnome).

Hope is another one who's doing some research on Voggle. She wants to find out how to re-wind a cassette tape so she can listen to one of John Stape's recordings which she found among a hidden stash of John Stape archival material. Ty and Fiz unknowingly help her out by giving Hope a tape recorder for her birthday. BTW, Ty proposed to Fiz (in the caf) and she accepted.

Amy finally learns the truth about Summer's miscarriage and the fact that she hasn't told Mike and Esther. She insists that Summer tell the couple the truth.. or she (Amy) will.

Believe it or not, Adam is called in to mediate (or "meditate" as Tim would say) the dispute between Steve and Tim over the latter's disputed jacket and the scratch card found in said jacket. Sally is sick of the whole feud and gives Tim a piece of her mind and Tim agrees to let the issue drop. Or does he?

Ken is happily enjoying the company of Wendy and the prospect of more vegetarian lasagnas for two - except when he sees Martha and begins acting like a gaga geriatric gigolo. What gives? It seems somewhat out of character for Ken to be so overt.

But the big story is the continuing saga of Griff and his band of misfits. They continue to cause trouble for Maria (accused of trying to cancel Christmas) and effectively put the kibosh on the refugee centre through vicious social media and a fake petition.

After Alya elbows Griff in the face, ol' Griff spins the story into a gang attack on him by Muslims and gets gullible Max to produce and post a hate-mongering video. Where will it end?

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Gail learns a bit about Stephen's mysterious activities:
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were working as a delivery boy in Bolton"
(there wasn't much 'working' going on)

Tracy is pleased to see Griff show up to work on the roof:
"I'm just happy to have a man up my scaffolding"
(we're still talking about the roof, right?)

Stephen to Elaine re: his misfortunes:
"I'm a 65 year-old living with my mother"
(and ripping her off)

Shona to Stephen:
"I'm pretty sure even Ken Barlow snogs"
(probably more than ever... if he plays his cards right)

Elaine to Stephen re: the 12K he needs:
"I'm going to lend you the money"

Amy to Summer & Aaron:
"You two have been a right pair of fun sponges lately"
(and the fun sponging is about to get a whole lot worse)

Yasmeen to Dev:
"We had another run in with Griff, our friendly neighbourhood racist"
(that's what it says on his business card)

Well, Partying Punters, so ends another week and another year. Thanks to all of you for visiting this humble blog every week. I'm grateful to everyone who stops by and I wish you all the very best for 2023. Let's break out a bottle of virtual Proseco and raise a glass to Coronation Street. Cheers!

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