Tuesday, March 16, 2010

pub quiz

spoiler alert: this post makes reference to the March 16 episode on CBC

Pub quiz, anyone? Oh sure, we got a little taste of the cut and thrust of a nail-biting, challenging, take-no-prisoners pub quiz with quizmaster Lloyd (Poppy seems to like his 'general knowledge' - ed). But we didn't get the full experience and we didn't see some of the Rovers regulars in action. So, with your indulgence, I present the Pub Quiz - remix.

First the Kirk Sutherland edition:

Q: Which World War preceded World War II?
A: That's one... tough question. Not much good at history and all. I'm more of a daytime tv man.

Q: Name a vowel?
A: I... can't help you mate. Sorry.

Q: In our numerical system, which number follows number one?
A: Too.. hard again mate. Sorry. I'm rubbish in math.

Then, there's the Ken Barlow edition:

Q: What is the name of the island off the south of Cape Cod in New England?
A: Martha's Vineyard

Q: Who was named third most powerful woman in America by Ladies Home Journal in 2004?
A: Martha Stewart.

Q: Where you would rather be than here at this damn pub quiz?
A: Martha's boat

And, finally, the Cole Brother's edition:

Q: What is the largest city in Australia?
Norris: Oooh, ooh, I know this. Sydney!
Ramsay: Well done Norris, I would never have guessed that (even though I live there)

Q: What is the name of the mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia?
Norris: Oooh, ooh, I know this. The Blue Mountains!
Ramsay: Well done Norris, I would never have guessed that (even though I've been there)

Q: What tourist attraction gets its name from the Aboriginal word meaning 'water breaking over rocks'?
Norris: Ooh, oooh. I know this. Bondi Beach!
Ramsay: Well done Norris, I would never have guessed that (even though I've swum there)

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